Mag Eld

Did they hurt you? Do you need help? Just say the word and I'll hunt them down.

Magran Eld (a.k.a. Mag)

Mag Eld is, like most Efreeti, very combative and enjoys martial combat more than most other activities. He idolizes his Elder Sister Fi-Yore and is protective of his siblings, elemental or not.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

He wields a Glaive seemingly formed of his own essence, something not unheard of for Elemental Genies. The Glaive seems to carry an unnatural heat with it but seemingly bears no other special properties.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Magran, Mag for short, is of typical build and temperment for an Efreeti with one exception. He enjoys the company of others, not as servants or minions but simply as company or friends. He is a charming young man even if his constant scowl would hint otherwise. He shows a surprising amount of flexibility in his thinking and his attitude towards things, he views magic as interesting even though he does not care to learn it himself.   He is protective of his siblings and his mother, Veneara. Should anyone threaten them he will retaliate in kind, usually brandishing his Glaive. He has a blatant favorite sibling in Fi-Yore Eld, he pesters her with questions and keeps her company when Naraxus cannot be around her as he is one of the handful of individuals that can be in her presence. While he favors his glaive he has been seen experimenting with copying Fi-Yore's Scimitars.
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
2083 EP 691 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Molten Orange
Flaming Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Red
155 lbs.


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