Veneara Eld (Ven-near-uh)

I love all of you and I will forever be watching over you, no matter how far the distance between us. Yes even you Daniella, you need an extra careful eye for all the trouble you get up to. But I mean it. All of You. - Veneara to her Children

Veneara Yilew Eld- Starlight

Veneara is a Crystal Dragon who is commonly found within the Druidic Grove of the Roost. She is often seen wandering the grove and avoiding attention. As a gemstone dragon she is in very limited company and she is very much unwelcome in her true form, as such she masquerades as a druid of the circle of stars.   She views the children of Bahamut as her elders and avoids direct interaction with them, aside from Brenzan whom she will occassionally meet outside the city. While in the city she acts as a Fortune Teller and Healer, using the stars as a guide for telling futures and her inherent connection to the Positive Energy Plane to heal wounds or relieve pain.   She is not much for combat besides her Draconic form's natural weapons. She prefers to either flee or to attempt to make peace with enemies.

Physical Description

Body Features

She retains indented scar tissue from her imprisonment in the Elder Brain's pool, along her spine and joints, though these are only visible in her human form.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Veneara left with Rone Eld at the behest of the Hag Esther Bitteroot, to heal the ailing child Vara Eld. The Plane hopping journey took years during which time she grew very close indeed with Rone Eld. The duo spent twenty five years together hopping across the planes only to find that nary more than two months had passed on the Material Plane. They returned just as the Orcish Horde had begun besieging the Roost.   Veneara aided Obyssia and Aryzen in distracting Dartag, though when Eletrias passed the shockwave sent her rocketing across the planescape, until she was greedily latched onto by the Elder Brain Ardalon. Her grief at having lost Rone, she had sensed his passing through his claim mark, made her vulnerable to the mental debilitations of the Elder Brain. She spent months entrapped within its tendrils, slowly working their way into her body to fuse her with the Aberration. It was just before this process was completed that the Chaotic Seven managed to gain entry to the Hive and seperate her from the creature, only just barely avoiding killing her in the process.   She has spent the months since recovering from the harrowing ordeal, between rest, healing from Mareena Lamplier and potions from Esther she has recovered her former strength and more, with her scales now having the appearance and toughness of diamond. She is now fully recovered and has been preparing for the ordeal that stands before her and Rone both.   She has made a silent promise to herself that she will not lose him again.   Veneara has been assissting the druids within the Starlight Grove and focusing upon her innate healing abilities though she has been seen sparring with Fi-Yore, claiming that she will not be found helpless again. When not focusing on bettering herself she can be seen with Ari Eld or her children, conversing with the Arch Druid and offering her children advice. Fi-Yore and Naraxus are common sights within the Grove and Veneara has spoken to the Fire Genie about her relationship, expressing joy for her adoptive daughter.   While she does not have access to her full Observatory, she and Ykiza have made a telescope and smaller versions of the equipment she once had to observe the stars from within the Grove. The Diamond Dragon and their mother have spent many a night watching the distant stars and monitoring their movements. While Acren does not share her love of the stars he does love to meditate and calm his mind with her around to share stories from her youth. Dandren does not share much in common with either of his adoptive parents but he has been seen asking advice of Veneara and he does listen to her perspective on his queries. Both Dandren and Riona have come to her asking for advice on speaking to others they wish to be closer to and the Crystal Dragon was a flustered mess as she did her best to advise them.   Following Kenina's Future vision, both Acren and Riona were seen speaking to Veneara in a private conversation that ended with Veneara hugging the two of them with tears running down her face.   Following her talk with Acren and Riona, Veneara has been going out of her way to spend time with each of her Children. She helped Daniella in selecting her name, encourages Ykiza's studies, Supports Acren and Vella's pursuit of the Druidic Arts and has been encouraging Fi-Yore to be more active with her siblings.   She has also been teaching others how to read and navigate by the stars, a useful skill as she realized when Riona told her of what had transpired in the Sunfire Archipelago.   Following the Chaotic Seven being trapped in the Shadowfel, Veneara found herself attempting to console the increasiningly unstable Ari Eld, who was unravelingly alarmingly quickly after her son disappeared. Despite others telling her that Rone lived, Ari continued to deny it and said, even after scrying him herself, that her son was dead and her worst fears were confirmed. The Cleric Samandriel attempted to see if Ari Eld was suffering from a disease of the mind but the Archdruid atttacked him when he attempted to use magic to see the source of her fear. Following this Veneara asked that others merely give her time and space, which many honored given the apparent danger of approaching her.   About a month after the Chaotic Seven were trapped she calmed down, merely keeping to herself within the Starlight Grove and keeping away from anyone who came near, much to Veneara's annoyance as she spent days attempting to reach out to the elder Tabaxi. Veneara then dedicated herself to her children wholly, only making sure that Ari Eld remained within the bounds of the Keep so that when her Son returned she might be relieved of what ailed her. The next few months were spent teaching her children Astrology, how to identify the Constellations that made up the night sky and it was here she told each of the children of her eventual departure with Rone Eld. She told them that she and their father would not be gone forever but they would be gone for a time and that they only did this to ensure that an evil that would threaten their world would be removed and the children could not have to face such a force.   The children took it well except for Dani Eld, the tiefling was inconsolable for days before her brother and sisters reached out to her and assured her that they would remain together, even if their paths split. Even after this, Dani spent much time in the Grove with her mother. Veneara has encouraged each of her children in their pursuits, even those she does not fully understand like Ykiza. The Crystal Dragon supports her children's choices and has been a frequent sight throughout the wider Keep since Rone's disappearance, her favorite spot to visit was by far the Moon Haven Academy as she and Numi could talk for hours about their fields of study.   When Mazerath's Attack on the Keep came, Veneara was attempting to reach out to Ari Eld once more when the Archdruid lashed out at her with thorny roots that bound and cut into her neck. Veneara used her body to shield Dani Eld and in turn the Tiefling clashed with her Adoptive Granmother until her father and his friends arrived to face the Archdruid.   Following her recovery Veneara continued on with her usual activities of maintaining the Grove in Rone's Absence and looking after her children. Following Acren's abduction by Mazerath she showed uncharacteristic rage. After Rone had left with the Chaotic Seven for Elemental Chaos, she vented her anger by clashing with Obann Andronas in the now ruined Hammerfall Arena. While not a combatant by any means her innate connection to the Positive Energy Plane gives her far more vitality than others of her age and she pushed herself to exhaustion battering herself against Obann's defenses.   Following this she has done her best to be present for her children though it has proven difficult with most of them absent or avoiding the Grove. She aided Fi-Yore to the best of her ability, mainly attempting to heal her and keep her from being alone.

Gender Identity

Unlike most of the Dragons of Dragon's Claim Keep, Veneara does not casually assume her male humanoid form as she very much prefers her feminine form, to the point of feeling very uncomfortable in her masculine form.




Rone Eld

Life Partner

Towards Veneara Eld


Veneara Eld

Life Partner

Towards Rone Eld


Neutral Good
Current Status
Studying with Esther Bitteroot
Rone Eld (Life Partner)
Current Residence
The Starlight Grove
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White / Clouded Crystal scales
5'8" or 22'9"
125 lbs. or 20 Tons
The Raven Matron


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