Efreeti (Eh-Free-Tea)

Never would I wish an Efreeti upon anyone, Merciless and uncaring, they are monsters in all aspects.

Efreeti are the cruel taskmasters of the Elemental Plane of Fire. Efreeti value the service of Slaves and the shine of treasure, as well as combat capability.

Basic Information


Efreeti appear as humanoids with red or ash grey or black skin, horned heads and usually burning eyes. Some efreeti have burning columns of flame instead of legs and glide throught the air rather than walk upon the ground. Each Efreeti emerges from the Plane of Fire in full armor and equipped with a bladed weapon of which they are a master.   Efreeti emerge in equal numbers of Male and Female.

Genetics and Reproduction

Efreeti cannot reproduce with most mortal races as their bodies burn most who would attempt such a thing and they do not reproduce with one another. When an Efreeti does find a partner that they can reproduce with, they jealously guard such individuals and treat them as well if not better than the Efreeti themself. To find such a person is rare and to form a dynasty of strength is every Efreeti's Dream.   Elder Efreeti's bodies are much cooler and composed of more than simple flame, thus leading to a more likely chance of offspring. Most if not all of their offspring will be Fire Genasi.

Growth Rate & Stages

Efreeti emerge fully developed from the fires of the Elemental Plane of Fire. They desire wealth and power, to establish a Dynasty is a desire within all of their kind, and if given the chance they will pursue this desire to the fullest.   Elder Efreeti are more likely to found a dynasty as they are more able to reproduce with mortals.


Efreeti are, in general, warriors and masters first. If they are not given the Respect they feel they deserve then they will force others to respect them, most often by enslaving other creatures to their will. There are Efreeti who are more amicable bu they are few and far between and most often find themselves in other realms besides the Plane of Fire, usually as bodyguards or mercenaries.   Elder Efreeti become paradoxically more cruel with their kins essence within their bodies, where most of their kin are kinder. An Efreeti who is a mix of both Fire and Air are considered the most powerful of all Elder Genies and also by far the most cruel and uncaring.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Efreeti have no real special senses to their name unlike most of their kin and generally are simply very paranoid about foes ambushing them, giving them a heightened sense of awareness.   Some Elder Efreeti gain the senses of their kin.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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