Malgalyn the Frozen

I lost them all. My Mate was slain by Tiamat and those who followed him. But that wasn't enough. She attacked me and destroyed our nest..... If ever she returns I will kill her.

Queen of Dragons Malgalyn

The Broodmate of Algalyx the Terror and the Proclaimed Queen of Dragons, she is an Ancient Silver Dragon preserved by Bahamut following Algalyx's Death at the hands of Tiamat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Malgalyn was Algalyx's first and longest ally since they met shortly after they both hatched. The duo journeyed across the Northern Tundra for centuries, with Algalyx bringing other Dragons under his protection while Malaglyn was at his side keeping those under him in line and caring for him when he was injured. While not as powerful as her Regal friend, Malgalyn was able to keep pace with Algalyx and was far above other dragons her age. Before Algalyx fought with Tiamat the two had a clutch of eggs and Malgalyn was left to care for them while Algalyx fought the Dragon Queen.   Following Algalyx's death, Malgalyn attempted to defend both their people and her eggs from Tiamat but was fatally injured by Tiamat, The Dragons that followed her were killed and the eggs she had been protecting were smashed in front of her, while Malgalyn was left to bleed out upon the Frozen Tundra, forced to look over her smashed eggs and the corpses of those she failed to protect. Before she could Expire, Bahamut offered her a chance to get her vengeance, by preserving her body in ice until such time that he could free her.   Following Bahamut's death Malgalyn was unable to be revived until the Archdruid Ari Eld managed to pass through the Blizzard that radiated from her preserved body. She taught the young Druid the ritual to awaken her, though Ari chose to wait, due to her unease of letting a potentially homicidal Dragoness upon the Planes. It was not until the Great Wyrm Dartag arrived at the Roost that she decided to awaken the Ancient Silver Dragon. Unfortunately the ritual was interuptted by the Death Throes of Arcanist Eletrias Elsorn and Ari Ari Eld was imprisoned beneath the Ice. Following a brief altercation with the Corrupted Don Eld, Ari Eld decided that with no way to revive Malgalyn she would merge the two of them into one. With a brief ritual conducted the two vanished in a blizzard of Frost and Snow.


Ari Eld

Merged Partner

Towards Malgalyn the Frozen


Malgalyn the Frozen

Merged Partner

Towards Ari Eld


Chaotic Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silver Scales
400 Tons


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