Ari Eld

I am so old now... My mind at least is such. The echoing memories of a Dragoness lost to misery and the Druid I once was drowned in the same. But htere are those who need me, we cannot break yet and we will care for them. Until they do not need me.

Archdragon Ari Eld

The Mother of Rone, Dan and Vara Eld. The Wife of Don Eld and Archdruid of the Arctic. Ari Eld is a member of the Archdruid Council and a heroine to many in the Alliance as she once felled a potential invasion of White Dragons into the border villages of The Roost.   She became Archdruid at the age of 22 following the death of her predecessor and managing to fell the onslaught of White Dragons, alongside her husband. Her prowess with her magical abilites is something of note among the Druids as she has many forms she may take that are not normal for Druids. She used this ability of shapeshifting to bar the White Dragons from crossing the mountains, including felling the Ancient White Dragon, Arauthor of the White Death, who had ruled the Arctic regions since the banishment of Tiamat.   Since then she has traveled the Arctic Tundra with her husband and sons.   Following the battle of the Roost, Ari Eld attempted to awaken the Ancient Silver Dragon Malgalyn the Frozen. In an endeavor marked with failures, Betrayed by her husband, and realizing her Children were at the point where they need not rely on her anymore, she made the decision to merge herself with the Dragoness. Following a brief ritual the two of them Vanished in a Blizzard.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Since she has arrived at the Keep, Ari Eld has kept a rather low profile. Most commonly she watches over her Grandchildren and attends to them to allow Veneara a chance to rest. She adores them with all her heart and will often aid their mischief.   When not attending to her family, Ari can seem like a different person which she is. Her merging with her draconic counterpart has led to her mind developing into two seperate personalities. One is similar to her original self, Kind and caring and a mentor to her sons and daughter. The other is a cold, jaded and depressed woman who cares little for the plight of others.   While not the same person as she was before, spending time with her Grandchildren within the Starlight Grove has softened her somewhat. She enjoys the company of the children and teaching the druids that formerly followed Dandren. When not attended by others she begins to slip back into her cold and uncaring persona. She spends much of her time meditating and attempting to find a way to reclaim her husband, scouring the archives of the Obsidian Atheneum and the Moon Haven.


Don Eld


Towards Ari Eld


Ari Eld


Towards Don Eld


Ari Eld

Merged Partner

Towards Malgalyn the Frozen


Malgalyn the Frozen

Merged Partner

Towards Ari Eld


Neutral Good
Don Eld (Ex-Husband)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White spotted Fur
130 lbs.


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