Mazerath, God of Rot

The Gods took everything from me, my friends, my family... Now I will create a world where they are no longer needed. They can Wither and Decay, just like everything else.

The God of Rot, Mazerath (a.k.a. (Mazzy by the Impertinent Seven))

Formerly Archdruid Asterian of the Circle of Rot, Mazerath is the name chosen by the entity that was left of him following the deaths of his family at the hands of the Lich God Vecna. Mazerath was cursed to die by the Lich God but has survived through strength of Will and foul magics of the Abyss. He has now conquered the Abyss aside from the Midnight Isles and the City of Alushinyyra where the Demon Lords Malcanthet and Nariel defend their lands and people from him.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While Mazerath's body appears fairly average for an Elf at a glance, closer inspection reveals that his skin is interwoven with fungal growths and slime molds, he bleeds decaying juices and his breath is filled with spores.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Following the deaths of his family and his clash with Vecna, Archdruid Asterian went into hiding, seeking ways to revive his family at first and when that proved impossible he turned to darker thoughts and ideas. He disappeared shortly after, leaving almost no trace of his wanderings during the Purge War.   He was next noticed by the Gods as a Mortal claiming dominion over an Abyssal Realm. The Gods, weakened from the Purge War and unable to directly act dismissed his words as the boasting of a fool and turned their attention to the fragile world that was rebuilding following the conflict between the Gods. It was assumed the Demon Lords of the Abyss had ripped him and his realm apart when the Gods did not hear of him again. In truth he had bided his time and a handful of Demon Lords, through cunning at first, such as with Demon Lords Orcus and Malcanthet whose Cameos he stole and had guarded, and later when his own power had grown he subjugated them through strength alone.   During this time he spread the sickness known as the White Blight across the mortal realms, a sickness which was impossible to cure through any known means, magically or conventially. The sickness claimed nearly a third of the Mortal Population before its spread was curbed. Each death increased Mazerath's power, slowly at first but each cry out for mercy or salvation from the infected was as a prayer to the fledgling God. When the God of Rot made his presence known to the wider world, it was through his slaying and consuming of the Imperial Gods Kothan, Trevana and Omaeden. With this final act he has retreated to his Realm in the Abyss to focus and grow his power, waiting for his final challenge in the group of Adventurers he chose to face him.   The Chaotic Seven.


Mazerath, God of Rot


Towards Messaria the Reaper

Messaria the Reaper


Towards Mazerath, God of Rot

Divine Classification
Abyssal God
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Archdruid Asterian
The God of Rot
The Hand of Rot
The Lord of Decay
Master of the Abyss
God of Demons
King of the Abyss
Demon of Decay
Withered Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pallid Yellow
849 lbs.


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