Nethys, God of Magic

We must aid the Drow girl- NO NO NO, SHE WILL RUIN EVERYTHING - But without her the Rough Beast will escape once more, given enough time- LET HIM< HER REIGN SHALL BE FAR WORSE THAN ANY IT COULD DO! - Nethys to himself

God of Magic, Nethys

The God of Magic works beside the young Goddess Klexia Andronas but does not serve beneath her as others do.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nethys' Body is that of a young human man with Stark White Hair and and tanned skin on one side of his body while the other is a charred corpse that emanates magic. His healthy side is benevolent and uses his power to heal and aid while his charred side is destructive and the energy that pours forth from it even more so.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nethys' origins are unclear. During his time on Golarion he appeared before the other Gods without warning and founded the Empire of Osirion, manipulating its rulers to aid them in the Empires creation. Eventually the rulers of Osirion rejected his control and he became removed from the affairs fo the Empire, instead dedicating his time to his followers elsewhere in the world.   Nethys is Mad in no uncertain terms. In one of his earliest experiments he wove a spell that allowed him to see everything that transpired on all of the Planes. This information proved to much even for a god and it fractured his mund irreparably. Now the undamaged half of his body pursues the preservation of the World while the ruined half seeks its inevitable destruction. It is whispered that Nethys himself may have been the Key to Rovagug's escape from the Dead Vault, though this has been Disputed by Pharasma who instead turns the blame to Rovagug's cultist and the negligence of the Gods, including herself.   On Almura Nethys has become even more extreme in his dedication to magic, his church takes in those who can wield it and scorns those who cannot. They revere Sorcerors and occassionally some of his more remote churches have been known to purge nonmagical inhabitants, either driving them away or killing them en masse. As such the Church of Nethys is monitored closely in any region where other gods have followings, to keep his followers from their more extreme agendas.   Nethys' Herald, Arcanotheign, is one of the few who survived the war with Rovagug and she maintains her duties, though even she has become suspect of her master in recent years. She is known to associate closely with Klexia Andronas, keeping the young Goddess appraised of her Master's movements and acts. She often travels the realms of Almura as a cloud of swirling Black and White Magic, though she can assume a mortal form if she chooses. During her travels she often collects orphaned animals and in some cases children. Thes Creatures and Children often develop magical abilities and such it is that newly awakened Sorcerors will be found outside the Moon Haven Academy in Dragonholme.
Divine Classification
Sky Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sun Tanned
135 lbs.


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