The Church of Knowledge

No we cannot call it the Church of Klexia, because when I suggested that she got mad and wouldn't let me work until I agreed to change it. Do you want to deal with a pouting Goddess until your end of days? No? Then change the name.

The church of the goddess Klexia Andronas, alongside other Gods and Goddesses of Knowledge throughout the world


The Church officially only maintains Four Holy Sites, One within the Moonhaven Academy, One within the Capital of Gravehollow, One within the Great City of Absalom and one within the bounds of the rebuilt Roseweald Academy. These Holy sites are both places of worship, or in the case of Klexia they act as meeting spots for her followers, and centers of knowledge in the form of vast libraries that keep records of nearly all subjects that the Goddess deems safe for public knowledge.   Besides these three major sites Temples can be found in most major settlements, barring regions that ban her worship and followers. These temples are usually simple affairs with a priest or a small group to maintain it with a small shrine to the Goddess within and records that are more applicable to the area where the temple is located. These temples are also usually home to shrines of other Gods and Goddesses of Knowledge such as Nethys, Irori, Zimwick and Yuieral.


Members of the Church are expected to either seek knowledge themselves and share what they learn with the Church or if not seeking it for themselves, they are expected to help others learn if they encounter those who wish to learn but lack the means to do so.   The Church does not support forcing its ideals upon others, and if they are asked to leave by the people of a land they will. If asked by those in power to cease their efforts but not the people however they will continue their efforts in secret. More than a few members of the church have been executed for these practices yet continue them they do.

Public Agenda

The Church of Knowledge seeks to spread Knowledge, as its name implies. It features only three main "Churches" with any others being simple Shrines that double as libraries or healing facilities or in more remote or rural regions, simple ampitheaters where knowledge can be shared in the form of stories or lectures.   Traditional Worship is discouraged but not barred from being practiced in Temples or other gholy sites but members of the Church, Clerics, Acolytes, Paladins or simply followers are highly encouraged to not waste time praying to a Goddess who will not answer Prayer and to go out and teach others who are willing to learn. This can be as simple as teaching commoners to read or write or as in depth as a Wizard taking upon a student to teach them the ways of the Arcane.


Eahc Region has their own practices, with Deities more common to each Region taking up residence in the Temples, for example it is common to see Zimwick's shrines in the temples within the Moledarian Region but not those upon the Continent of Quervelt. In the Southern Seas Irori and Nethys are common but not largely worshipped in the rest of the World.

Within the Shadowlands the Cult of Ilaxis continue to Worship Klexia alongside their horrid Goddess but this is not an official branch of the Church of Knowledge.

Nothing is Forbidden, Some things simply require Patience.