The Moon Haven Academy

The Moon Haven stands proud as a center of Learning, nestled atop the mountains overlooking Dragon's Claim Keep. While initially it focused only on teaching the Arcane, in the centuries since it has become a center for all learning and it serves as the Chief Holy Site of the Goddess, Klexia Andronas. Headmistress Numiner Andronas oversees the Academy at large while the remainder of her staff teach the majority of classes.


The Administration of the Academy is largely overseen by Numiner Andronas and Klexia Andronas, though senior Professors may offer recomendations or, in the most extreme situations, take matters into their own hands if they feel a fellow member of the staff poses a danger to the Academy or its Students.


The Culture of the Moon Haven is rooted in Klexia's ideology of knowledge being shared, rather than something to be hoarded and guarded. While she does keep knowledge from Mortal Hands, it is under the promise that when the Mortals of the World can handle said knowledge without harming eachother she will bestow it upon them.   Among the Student Body, hostility and violence are not permitted. Sabotaging others research to put more sight upon your own is abhorred and destroying someone elses research is viewed as grounds for expulsion.

Public Agenda

The Moon Haven is dedicated to Education and welcomes all students willing to learn. For those without Monetary means to apply but who show potential, the Academy will leverage funds to pay for their enrollment. This process is usually only done for those that show an aptitude to the Traveling Agents of Klexia Andronas, with Ashara Andronas being the most frequent recruiter of Students with limited means.   Those who prove themselves dedicated to the Pursuit of Knowledge may offer their services as Clerics of Klexia Andronas, often staying at the Academy for far longer than normal students before being sent off to educate others in their chosen field or fields of study. These Clerics may also provide aid to Klexia's Agents or Numiner Andronas herself.


The Moon haven boasts the most diverse Faculty and student body of all centers of learning on Almura, where Roseweald and the Visturan Academy of Magic shun Sorcerors, The Moon Haven openly accepts them, though some claim this is related to the absurd amount of Half Dragons that reside within Dragonholme. While these gifted users of Magic often cause unintentional damage when they first enroll, with time and experience they learn to control their abilities and become promising mages in their own right.   The Libraries of the Moon Haven are only rivaled by those of the Roseweald Council's personal Libraries, the only records of the previous administration that survived the rebellions. While much of this knowledge is kept from the students of the Moon Haven, if a student can prove that they will not use the knowledge contained within to cause harm, they may be permitted to study even Tomes that are considered Dangerous.   Finally the Academy is also protected by Klexia Andronas personally. No large scale attack has ever successfully breached its walls and the Goddess herself will intervene despite the rules of the Gods prohibiting her from doing so. Even if Klexia Andronas does not intervene personally, the other Ancient Defenders of the Keep, namely Klexia's own Children and Partners, are more than up to the challenge of disposing of intruders. Archlich Ashara Andronas is one of the most feared but it is believed that Archmage Kartalos is the true most dangerous, besides the Headmistress herself.


Following the Nightkin Rebellions of Roseweald, over a Dozen Professors of the Former Roseweald Academy fled with their students and what records they could save from the violence. Nearly all fled to the fledgling Academy of The Moon Haven with Dragon's Claim Keep. The knowledge they brought was archived and preserved within the Academy and by the Goddess Klexia Andronas and the refugees were welcomed. These refugees became the first large scale staff and student body of the Academy, under the Direction of the Staff and Headmistress who had been present previously.   Following the defeat of the God of Rot, the Academy was afforded much chance to Blossom as Dragonholme was one of the only nations spared the worst effects of the Merging of Worlds. It became one of the foremost sites of learning and one of the few places where one could learn of the Old World, drawing scholars both magical and not. During this period the Academy grew with Dragonholme under High Counselor Kenina Ashdew, who directed no small amount of resources to be poured into the Academy and in return the mages and Scholars they taught grew the influence and power of Dragonholme. By the time the rest of the world had recovered from the joining, Dragonholme stood as one of the most powerful nations in the world and that power was primarily due to the knowledge and expertise of those trained at the Moon Haven.


Klexia forbids traditional worship among the members of the Academy as she despises being treated as the Gods of Old did. Instead, those who truly wish to worship any of the Gods of the Academy may offer homage to their chosen deity by their deeds and studies, not through prayer or physical offerings.

Granted Divine Powers

The Moon Haven is protected by Klexia Andronas personally, though the other gods who are worshipped within may offer boons to their followers. This happens more frequently within the Academy as the structure is shrouded by a veil placed there by Klexia to obscure other divine entities sight of the goings on within.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Moon Haven has strong ties to the Council of Dragonholme and maintains a representative upon the Council but they often leave matters of State to the politicians.


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