New Tian Xia

It is a Beautiful land of Forests and Mountains and the People are Kind if you know their customs but the Monsters that lurk outside their cities terrify me more than anything from the East - Liranne, Fire Marshall of the Pathfinder Society

The Continent of New Tian Xia was created by the Gods of Golarion when the Merging of Worlds occured as a home for the Survivors of the Original Tian Xia to call home. This land brought both the Good and Bad of the Original, though the power dynamic of several of the Kingdoms changed in the switch. The Continent is large, with the nations here being equal in power to their counterparts on the Mainland of Almura, the Continent is often beset by attacks from the Forces of Tiamat from the East.


The Continent of New Tian Xia is mountainous in the Extreme with High Rocky Peaks making up nearly half of the Landmass. While you will find villages here in remote peaks acting as mining towns or the occasional farming community nestled within the Valleys, almost all of the settlements are within the plains in between the mountain ranges or on the island subcontinents surrounding the Main Continent.

Localized Phenomena

Most of the effects observed within Tian Xia can be observed elsewhere but one of the more unique aspects are the Kami, a race of outsiders native to the Material Plane who form bonds with objects, Animals or Locations and serve as protective spirits. These spirits are most common within The aptly named Forest of Spirits or within the Island nation of Minkai.


Tian Xia experiences average climate throughout its borders, the nations at its north and South recieve exceptionally long winters but otherwise things are as they are expected to be.


New Tian Xia was created by the Old Gods of Tian Xia of Golarion, with aid from the Monkey King of Almura. They could not simply pick and choose which parts of Tian Xia to bring with them so all of the Survivors of Tian Xia were carried over to the new Lands. Here the Kingdoms that dominate the land expanded with what citizens they had and rebuilt their kingdoms as best they could, in some places excelling beyond what they had acheived on Golarion.   The Kingdoms are documented in more detail below so we will not cover them here but it should be noted that unlike Tian Xia, the people of New Tian Xia have allowed branches of the Pathfinder Society to establish themselves within the Kingdoms Borders. Only experienced adventurers are permitted to travel to the Eastern Lands as they have been deemed incredibly dangerous by the Heads of the Society.


Nobles from the Western lands do visit occasionally, though they often only stay within the Kingdom of Goka which is more welcoming to outsiders than most.
Alternative Name(s)
The Eastern Lands
Included Organizations
Owning Organization

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