Dtang Ma, Land of Sorcerors (Duh-Tang Mah)

I just don't see why they have to worship my mom. She hates being in charge. She would just give them power if they asked nicely, no need to send her all the gif- oh wait she just wants the free food! - Vella Duskborn

The State of Dtang Ma is overseen by a Council of Five Sorcerors who each represent one of four origins of their power and one who sits atop the Cinnamon throne and wields the power of all four Bloodlines at once


The Leadership of Dtang Ma is composed of Five Sorcerors who each command one of the four bloodlines of their nation and the Fifth who sits atop the Cinnamon Throne and channels the power of all four at once.   Every ten years a new Leader is chosen from one of the Council and the current leader steps back into their previous position.


The People of Dtang Ma view Magic as the ultimate means to ensure peace and stability in the world. They are a generally welcoming and friendly people, though they have a sore spot for the nation of Kaoling and its Hobgoblin overlords. The People are renowned for a Subtle sense of humor and Honest Character.


With many of their Gods dead following the destruction of Old Tian Xia, the people of Dtang Ma chose new gods to draw their power from. These Gods include:
  • Titania, Queen of the Fairies and later Quillima Duskborn, The Nightmare Queen of the Fey as the source of their Fey Magic
  • Rone Eld the Elder God of Stars as the source of their magic from the Stars
  • Nalian Mar Cesier, The Goddess of Destruction as their source of magic from Storms
  • Shelyn, The Eternal Rose as the source of their Magic from Music and the Arts
  •   With their new gods chosen, the people of Dtang Ma rebuilt their nation and reestablished themselves on the southern shores of New Tian Xia. The people have carved their civilization into the world and their leaders will see them through any calamity with their power. For the people of Dtang Ma, Magic is the greatest tool at their disposal and they wield it with knowledge and grace.

    Through Magic, Peace.

    Founding Date
    Geopolitical, Magocracy
    Ruling Organization
    Government System
    Power Structure


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