Pandemos. The Bloody Valkaryie

Fight as if every battle is your last. Live as if every day has an eternity beyond it.

Pandemos (a.k.a. The Bloody Valkariye)

The Patron Goddess of Kervalden, The City of Blood, and the Guardian of the Continent of Moromel.

Divine Domains

She embodies the Domains of Life and War:   War - She is a goddess of Battle and lives as such for much of her life. Her followers train and grow their strength to follow her example and protect the weak and helpless.   Life - She cherishes Life and seeks to protect it from both harm and corruption by Greed and Dishonor. She aids children within the City by bestowing them with a blessing to gain strength and keep them healthy.

Holy Books & Codes

While she maintains no Holy Texts she does have tenets which are carved into the stone beneath her statue in the Arena of Kervalden:   1. Treat all you face in Combat with the respect they deserve. 2. None should suffer for the faults of others. 3. Life is precious, take it only if you must. 4. None should be forced to fight, it must be their choice.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her Divine Symbol is a Blood Red sun with a pair of Angelic Wings spreading out from it.


While no set dates are celebrated, the nights when the Red Moon Minura is full she is given special worship.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

She has no true Goals beyond defense of Kervalden, though she is the final hurdle of any Duke of Moromel who would claim the Throne of Kervalden, as they must best her in combat, a mix between her Arena form and her true divine form. Since the time of the Old World the throne has sat empty.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pandemos is an anomaly among the gods. She seems to have come into existence sometime after the birth of the Mortal Gods but long long before the Divine Spring was first discovered. Some have theorized that she is simply the manifestation of an Ideal. Others believe she was a warrior of the original settlers of Moromel and her prowess in battle earned her worship and deification which became literal. A Final theory of her origins is that she is an Angel of the Heavens who has obtained Divine Power by other means and she seeks to protect those she has marked as her chosen.   Regardless of her Origins she has appeared within the city of Kervalden since the ancient days of the Old World. Her primary appearances are upon three occasions. The first is during matches in the Arena at the center of the City, where an Idol in her image stands overlooking the matches within. Any who achieve victory in the arena may offer a challenge to her, and she is challenged on regular occasion. When summoned in this fashion she appears wielding a weapon of the same fashion as her challenger and matching their physical prowess, both in body size and musculature. She is effectivley a direct copy of the challenger, including any wounds the challenger suffered earning their victory, and the challenger must attempt to best her. Should she prove victorious she will leave it to the crowd to decide their fate, only on rare occassions will she decide an outcome herself. If the challenger wins then they are given the weapon she held in their fight and a Holy Symbol of hers, her divine permission to follow her and wield her divine power. During these encounter she appears most frequently in a piecemeal set of Half Plate mail, rusted, tarnished and soaked with bloodstains. She is above all Fair and honorable in her arena duels and should a Challenger treat her arena with disrespect they shall face the true Goddess in battle, instead of her arena form.   Her second frequent appearance is that of a Plate armored Angel with Blood red hair, rust colored wings and Burning orange eyes. This form is nearly always observed in defense of the City and appears to fight alongside her followers and defend the people of the City. This form also appears within the Arena to those who show disrespect to either their opponents or dishonor her in a duel. In this form she is a True God and has done battle with such foes as Malgeron, Kothan and Foros, the later two attempting to fight her in a two on one battle and both barely escaping her lives. The Bloody Valkariye is a fierce combatant and to many this is all they know of her, though she has one final form that she frequents....   Her final form is the only one that uses her true name of Pandemos. When the Red Moon Minura is full she appears within the bounds of the city and provides aid to to the poor and impoverished. In this form she appears as a young unarmored woman, wingless and unassuming, though her Blood Red hair remains. During these nights she is often seen attending to orphans and other ragged children upon the streets. Other times she is seen enjoying evenings with Warriors who managed to best her challenge in the arena but refused her holy symbol, whether these encounters are intimate or not varies though many an aged warrior has recieved a Young Aasimar child following such a night.   Her children share her distinct hair, one and all, though while she longs to protect them, her power is severly limited outside the gates of Kervalden and she weeps each time one of her children falls, alongside when one of her Clerics or Paladins are slain. When this occurs the city is beset by a rain of "Blood". While not truly Blood the water is a deep red and much thicker than normal water, though it has been observed safe to drink.




Contacts & Relations

She is known to be close with the Goddess Sarissa, claiming the Goddess of Light as her bound sister.   She views the Dukes of Moromel with varying degrees of distaste to outright hatred:   Duke Vinalmo Efrezi - She views him with contempt for his "Cowardly" approach to battle, and his three losses to her in his attempts to claim the throne of Kervalden, though she does respect the fact that the people of his Province respect him to the degree they do. They have also fought side by side to repel attacks from the Blackwall Province that threatened the Capital City. Vinalmo seems to have given up on becoming King, content with his province and not having the annoyance of a Goddess Pestering him constantly.   Duke Edmund Tyranus - She despises Edmund and seeks his death above all other individuals. He has challeneged her fifteen times and each time he has been repelled and nearly slain, spared from death by his minions sacrificing themselves. She despises him for his many atrocities though the greatest in her eyes was when he stood beyond the range of her influence, the farthest she can venture from the city, and held one of her sons in his hand and crushed the life from the child, before returning to Castle Blackwall and adorning the Walls of his Castle with the Child's Body. The city was wracked by Blood Rain for weeks after. Following that day he has been barred from entering the City, As she appears to face him each time he attempts to do so.   Duke Thatcher Domnel - She is frustrated by the Domnel family as they refuse to challenge her for the Throne, though she understands quite well that they could best her. Thatcher Domnel she knows would be a match for her and she has wished him to take up the Challenge for decades though he has declined to do anything of the sort. She has sent her followers to request him take the challenge and each time they are turned down. It would seem the Domnel's are to busy raiding to perform their duties.


For a Goddess her arena appearances have a very casual attitude about them, acting as another simple warrior than the goddess she is.   When upon the Battlefield she is serious and says no more than she must.   When she appears within the City she is often seen to act as a noblewoman, polite mannerisms and formal speech.
Divine Classification
True God?
Chaotic Neutral
Current Residence
Kervalden, City of Blood
Blood Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned
Between 2' and 9'


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