Rock Eld

Can I break it? What about that? Then how about this? Ugh... You never let me have fun. You're just like Aunt Zefer. Please don't tell her I said that.

Rock Eld

The Dao son of Rone Eld, Rock is a simple and straightforward man. He likes to solve most of his problems by punching them and anything that resists that is clearly unsolvable.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rock appears as a very muscular humanoid, albeit much larger than any normal human. His body is rock like and resists weaponry surprisingly well. He has no care to learn to wield a weapon and his hands are rough and scarred from connecting punches.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rock Eld is a simple soul, much like his name. He enjoys using his body to break things and cares very little for putting things back together. He has made a temporary shelter at the Hammerfall Arena where he spends his days helping clear the rubble to make the structure usable again so he can fight in the arena. His help usually takes the form of breaking the rubble into smaller chunks that can be moved or reused by the dwarven craftsman.   He has found a competitor already, succeeding in annoying Aryzen the Beautiful into clashing with him within three days of arriving at the keep. He has attempted to fight others, including his elder Sister Daniella Eld. The bout went poorly for him as he ended up recieving the end of an uncharacteristically angry Dani, cold, methodical and merciless she left him with the threat of a dagger in his chest should he pester her again. So far, Daniella is the only person he has avoided asking a fight or rematch for.
Chaotic Neutral
Year of Birth
2083 EP 691 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Amber Gold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Stone Gray
400 lbs.


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