Dao (Dah-Ow)

Dusty and Old is how many view the Dao, but they are wise, for the Earth remembers all. And a Dao Never forgets.

Dao are the Genies of Earth, they reside almost exsclusivley within the Elemental Plane of Earth, in lavish palaces filled with gifts that mortals bring to beseech them for their wisdom or aid.

Basic Information


Dao are generally masculine in appearance, though those of more feminine appearance have been recorded. They generally appear as adult humans with darker skin, dark but colorful hair and all have glowing yellow Irises. Most are of rather muscular build and their skin may appear to be covered in dust or composed of stone.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dao rarely reproduce but are capable of doing so with any of the Mortal Races, with their offspring almost always being Earth Genasi. Their children demonstrate an unatural robustness and they resist blows or spells from opponents remarkably well.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dao are birthed from the Stone of the Elemental Plane of Earth and emerge as grown adults with an innate knowledge of how the Plane of Earth functions, as well as the ability to speak Terran and Common.   A Dao who absorbs the Elemental Heartstone of another Genie type becomes an Elder Dao. Elder Dao have every one of their innate abilites enhanced and demonstrate abilites associated with the type of Heartstone they absorbed. Once a Dao becomes an elder they are unable to absorb Heartstones any longer.


Dao often enjoy hosting visitors with lavish feasts and hour upon hours of conversation and dislike those who try to rush meetings. A dao who is rushed is near certain to cause harm or steal from their visitors, though they are possessed of a certain code of honor.   A Dao will never steal from someone who has not wronged them and they will aid those who are in a state of despair by offering food and lodging, being beyond patient with any they choose to help.   Dao do not view the practice of Slavery in a positive light and will only accept those that they can fairly compensate for services, allowing many mortal to live in their estate as servants rather than unpayed labor.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dao are never caught unaware of an approaching visitor, as they can sense any creature within 1 mile of their Palace and will very often have prepared a welcome for any visitor to their realm.   Dao also possess the ability for limited precognition, they can see events that pertain to temeselves several days or weeks in advance, giving them plenty of time to plan their actions in advance.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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