Samandriel Tyranus

Lord Samndriel Tyranus (a.k.a. Balance)

The Child of the Archangel Sariel and The Dark Empyrean Thalgramen Tyranus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During the Purge Wars, one of the Dukes of Moromel, a devil-kin by the name of Thalgramen Tyranus, fell in love with a Solar Celestial named Sariel. The two would meet in secret in Moromel, away from the prying eyes of other Celestials and Devils, who most certainly would have disapproved of their relationship. Soon after the Purge Wars had ended, Sariel gave birth to Samandriel Tyranus. Acquiring the features of both of his parents, Thalgramen and Sariel knew Samadriel would not be welcome amongst either of their kin, so they raised him in secret in their meet-up cottage in the wilds in Moromel. The only other being aware of his existence was Sarissa, the Lady of Light, Sariel’s Patron. While his parents were away and conducting their business amongst their kin, Sarissa would keep a watchful eye over Samadriel, becoming his God-mother of a sort. She vowed to steer him toward the right path and keep him away from his ancestor, Bane Tyranus. She granted him an immortal Tressym, which he named Mercury, when he turned 11 years old. Ever since, Mercury and Samandriel have been fast friends and have never left each other’s side.   After reaching adulthood, Samandriel decided to venture forth from his cottage and explore the world. It was then that his mother Sariel granted him his magical shield, and his father Thalgramen granted him his magical mace. Wishing to learn more about the gods and his ancestry in general, Samandriel travelled the land, studying at many temples in an attempt to find his calling. None of their teachings really resonated him though, that is until he discovered the Domain of Twilight. Here, he could do as Sarissa had shown him growing up and bring light to the people in darkness and help to ease their pains and their fears. However, Samandriel soon became disheartened being amongst civilized folk, as he was often ostracized for his different looking appearance. And thus, Samandriel struck upon a new quest to find a patron of his own, one that would embody his duality of light and dark instilled in him through his genetics.   A thousand odd years passed without much luck and with little contact from his parents. Samandriel began to worry for their safety and so he sought them out. After a couple more years and a failed assassination attempt on his own life, Samandriel learned that both Bane Tyranus of Moromel and Kothan of the Imperium had learned of his parents union and his birth. In their rage, Bane imprisoned his father, and Emperor Autrion sent out assassins after him. Still to this day, Samadriel does not know what has become of his mother.   After learning all this, Samandriel went in search of his enemies’ enemies in the hopes of forging an alliance, and among the most successful were the Goddess Messaria and the God Morgan, who both openly opposed Kothan and the Empire. He pledged himself to their service, becoming a Twilight Cleric in both their names. That day, Samandriel vowed to protect and heal the innocent in the name of Sarissa, to forward the path of light and peace in the name of Sariel and Messaria, and to honor the darkness and the night in the name of Thalgramen and Morgan. In so doing, Samandriel took the name “Balance” to signify his goal of bringing balance between Light and Dark.   Balance has spent the remaining years of his life up until now training in the service of his patrons and working to further their goals. He has promised to help Morgan defeat his father, Malgeron, in exchange for his personal aid in freeing Thalgramen from Bane Tyranus’ imprisonment. Balance is currently staying at The Roost for a time while on his way to Grosh-Ka to learn more about this enemy.
Divine Classification
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
Dragon's Claim Keep
Solid Black
Silver with Black Streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very Light Red
200 lbs.
Messaria and Morgan


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