Silia Eld

The Druid of Rot, Silia Asvera Eld

Silia is a Circle of one. She is the Druid of Rot, delving into Ancient Secrets to attempt to quell the Rotten Blood in her veins. She has inherited a fragment of the power of Mazerath, The God of Rot, who was slain by her Grandmother and her allies.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Following her infection by Mazerath's Power her body has become an amalgamation of flesh and fungus, while the outer pieces of her body remain visually unaffected it is within her that looks as if she were naught more than a culture for every manner of mushroom and slime mold.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Silia was a child she witnessed the Fel Rot within her Eldest Sister run rampant and harm those around her, and it left scars of fear upon her mind. Silia studied Druidcraft under her father, hoping against all hope and reason that she could quell the rot within her merely by accepting the power of the elemental planes into her being.

The results of her training were disastrous.

Instead of casting out the Fel Rot the powers instead mixed, bringing out the most destructive aspects of both of her powers. She fled when she saw the stares of her fellow druids after she awoke the power within her. Due to her own fear and panic her power ran rampant as she fled, causing natural disaters to rock the city of Edin. The streets and building cracked as earthquakes brought down entire blocks, the springs of the oasises became clogged with rot tainted water, a dust storm of monstrous proportions covered the city in winds hot enough to set fire to exposed cloth and wood.

Silia fled the city and she was only found by her Mother and Father when she was boarding a ship to take her away from the Desert Sands she had been born into. The goodbyes were short and while her parents offered to help her understand her power and provide a safe place for her to learn, the girl was still determined to leave. They allowed her to embark on her self imposed exile and returned home to repair their city.

Silia spent months wandering from ship to ship, many crews abandoned her on islands within the Sunfire Archipelago when they realized that her powers were tainting their supplies and causing disease among their crewmates. Eventually she arrived in the Port City of Orelis within the Shadowlands, her final trip upon a Seafaring vessel. Even among the monstrous and cruel residents of the Shadowlands she felt out of place, they regarded her as an inconvience and an annoyance. She was a timid and fearful person by nature and the years of being cast out had made her even more wary. When she was Thirty Two years of Age she was called upon by the Clergy of Ilaxis, offered a place in their ranks and the girl, tired of living on the streets and feasting on scraps, accepted.   She spent ten years in the Church of Ilaxis, the first group to truly accept her even in spite of th eminor calamity she constantly brought upon them. When her tenth year came to end she was the center point of a ritual in the Primary Temple of the Goddess of Abominations and the Goddess herself appeared. The Goddess offered her a Tome of Druidic Knowledge that would allow her to control her powers, remove the constant trail of desolation that followed her, in exchange for the service she had performed for the prior decade. Silia accepted and studied the tome for the next few months. The pages had been enchanted by Ilaxis herself to appear as if they contained the secrets Silia desired. She performed the rituals within eagerly and with little caution, how could her Goddess possibly lead her astray after so many years of service?

When she finished performing the Final Ritual within the Tome she found herself battling an entity within her mind, the lingering essence of the God of Rot. Ilaxis had decieved her into drawing the disparate pieces of Mazerath's essence into herself. While the rituals had indeed sealed her apocalyptic abilities it had let in something else, mixing with the Fel Rot in her blood to make a fascimilie of the fallen God's power. The awakening shook the Fel Wild to its core, The Nightmare Queen herself having to use her own power to keep the Plane intact.
Ilaxis appeared before Silia to mock her for her follishness only to be mocked herself by the now semi ressurected God in the girl's body. Silia held the Goddess by the Throat and no matter what manner of power she was blasted with the Druid of Rot would not die, her body regenerating as Mazerath himself had done centuries before. Many believe she would have indeed killed the Goddess then and there had Zon-Kuthon not intervened, casting the girl into the Depths of the Shadowfel to be rid of her.

Silia awoke a few days later, memories of the incident clouded at best and finding herself being tended to by Anduran Ashdew, the imprisoned Son of Elliot Andronas and Xaelyn Ashdew. He had discovered her writhing in pain after Zon-Kuthon had cast her into the Plane. He had restrained her and forced the specter of Mazerath from her body but the power remained within her, writhing like a monstrous disease that wished to spread and infect. Silia panicked over her fate almost immediatley and it was only thanks to Anduran that she did not flee back to the Material Plane and spread the infection in her body to the people there. The Angel of Pain offered his aid, hoping that maybe through her power he would have a way to escape his own shackles. The Druid accepted and the two have remained within the Shadowfel together since, Silia learning to control the power that now courses through her and Anduran offering himself as a test subject for her power hoping that she might be able to free him.


Silia Eld

Younger Sister

Towards Virin Duskborn


Virin Duskborn

Elder Sister

Towards Silia Eld


Silia Eld

Younger Sister

Towards Valdarea, Princess of Blood


Valdarea, Princess of Blood

Elder Sister

Towards Silia Eld


Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Druid of Rot and Ruin
The Doomsday Child
The Cursed Fel

The Heir of Mazerath
Year of Birth
2503 EP 271 Years old
Virin Duskborn (Elder Sister)
Current Residence
Clouded Gray
Silvery White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Stark White
100 lbs.
Desna the Dreamer


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