Virin Duskborn

You don't want to say that. Granny doesn't like it when people threaten me. You'll be puppets before Dawn.... I could use some new toys anyway.

Fel Princess Virin Eloise Duskborn (a.k.a. The Princess of Puppets)

Virin Eloise Duskborn is the Child of Vella Duskborn and Acren Eld who currently dwells with her Grandmother in the Fel Wild. She is the current Heiress of the Twilight Court and the Fel Wild as a Whole.

Divine Domains

As an Archfel, Virin wields moderate power of the Divine Domains of Decay, Wood, Plague, Undeath, Family and Dreams.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

While she does not have a Symbol of her own, she has copied her grandmother and given Poppets to a handful of those who have been sworn to her service as both a means of sharing her power and viewing the outside world.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Virin's physical state is a matter of opinion. Like her Mother and Grandmother she is living Fel Rot, though in her case she is overflowing with it. She is toxic to anything not from the Fel Wild and can cause others to become sickened simply by being close to them. As such she has been confined to the Fel Wild while her Mother and Father seek a way to either cure or at the very least contain her overwhelming presence.

While her parents have sought a cure for her she has learned from her Grandmother, she has already begun to make use of her Fel Strings and has begun giving passing mortals small portions of her power, in exhange for them taking her dolls far from the Fel Wild so she might see the world beyond.

Physical quirks

Virin's body is overflowing with Fel Rot, as such there are parts of her skin that have split open to allow for an exit. The twisted "Horns" that sit atop her head are in truth Fel Rot shaped roughly into the shape of Horns.

She retains the abilities of a Changeling, passed down from her Great Grandmother.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Virin was born in the city of Edin, causing a stir immediatley as her presence caused sickness in those not related to her. She was returned to the Fel Wild with her parents in short order and has remained within the Fel Wild since. At first her parents had taken to searching for a cure to her overflowing rot seperately so that one could remain with her but they eventually realized that it would require more to see her cured of her overwhelming rot. following this realization they began searching seperately, though they both make frequent trips back to check in on her.

Since then Virin has dwelled within the Fel Wild with her Grandmother, Fel Queen Quillima. Queen Quillima has slowed Virin's Personal Time down so as to avoid her aging while her parents are away. When it was realized how much power dwelled within her it became a matter of debate whether she should inherit the throne in the event of Quillima's death. After an astounding amount of debate it was agreed that she would and she was named the Fel Princess.


Valdarea, Princess of Blood


Towards Virin Duskborn


Virin Duskborn


Towards Valdarea, Princess of Blood


Silia Eld

Younger Sister

Towards Virin Duskborn


Virin Duskborn

Elder Sister

Towards Silia Eld


Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Princess of Rot
The Princess of Puppets
The Child of Rot
The Eternal Child
Year of Birth
2419 EP 355 Years old
Silia Eld (Younger Sister)
Glowing Orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
85 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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