Strahd Von Zarovich

I am the untouchable king of Barovia! I have dueled gods and won, and you would stand against me?

King of Barovia Strahd Regis von Zarovich

The King of Barovia, Strahd von Zarovich rules over the shadowy plane and its court of Vampires.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Strahd was born a Vampire to a family of the undead in the Old World. He was cared for by his parent's attendants and was the oldest of their children. As he grew he took an interest in the more esoteric magics of the planes and gained notoriety for having powers that even the foremost scholars of the Arcane could explain.   When he was eighty years old, still a young man by his family's standards, he engaged a battalion of soldiers in combat alone and emerged unscathed as he raised the fallen warriors as undead thralls. He led his host of undead into battle after battle and within a decade he had conquered the majority of the lands surrounding his family's castle. He gave each conquered kingdom a choice between death and being raised as his thralls or to partake of his curse and become vampires themselves. Each new kingdom conquered bolstered his ranks and by the time his younger brother had had children of his own Strahd had firmly established his rule. When his Niece, Messaria von Zarovich, was granted the power of the Divine Spring. Strahd attempted to bring her to his side and failing that tried to have her entire family killed. Messaria survived but was inflicted with Vampirism and set out on her own with little more than rags and a kitchen knife to her name.   Following this, Strahd began to realize the growing power of these new gods and ripped Barovia, his name for his conquered kingdoms, from the Material Plane and established his own plane. He rules this plane of Barovia from Castle Ravenloft and keeps the nobility under his thumb with political machinations. During his time in Barovia his power has grown such that he ventured out at the height of the Purge War and clashed with the likes of both Messaria the Reaper and Amelia the Night Mother on equal footing. He nearly managed to kill his niece before she crippled him with a blow from her scythe that led to her impaling herself. While Messaria's wound healed his did not and he still bears the scar to this day.


Strahd Von Zarovich


Towards Messaria Von Zarovich, Death's Pale Lady


Messaria Von Zarovich, Death's Pale Lady


Towards Strahd Von Zarovich


Valdarea, Princess of Blood

Ex Wife

Towards Strahd Von Zarovich


Strahd Von Zarovich

Ex Husband

Towards Valdarea, Princess of Blood


Neutral Evil
Pale Blue
Black and White Chest Length hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
210 lbs.


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