Messaria Von Zarovich, Death's Pale Lady

My uncle killed everyone, then I lost my family again. and Now Azerian, one of my closest friends, seeks to bring ruin to everything! Why can't I just live?

Lady Messaria Regala von Zarovich (a.k.a. Death's Pale Lady)

Messaria von Zarovich, born to an Angel and Vampire, was seen as the hope of a generation. When that hope was lost and alone in a world of violence she turned to death and darkness for comfort.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Messaria von Zarovich was born to the younger brother of Strahd Von Zarovich and an unknown Angel of Mount Celesnya She was raised as a member of Barovian Nobility. During her youth she was exposed to a planar rift that infused her with the power of the Divine Spring, transforming her carefree life into one of chaos. When her Uncle found out what she had become he attempted to bring her under his wing and when she refused he attacked her, infecting her with Vampirism and leading to a clash that left her family home in ruins and any of those she had cared for naught but ash. She left home with nothing more than a kitchen knife she had managed to stab her uncle with.   She wandered for many years, accruing experience and learning just what it was she was capable of. She learned the art of remaining unseen, of hidden weapons and quick attacks. By the time she was 18 she had become a notorious assassin, famed for her silver cloak and the trail of bodies she had left in her wake. It was at this time she returned to Barovia in an attempt to exact revenge upon her uncle. She nearly succeeded, as she felled all those within Strahd's keep except the Lord himself. While neither managed to fell the other this event was signifigant as it was this event which led to Strahd removing Barovia from the material plane and the even where Messaria first encountered the Witch Esther Bitteroot.   Esther found the unconscious and wounded Messaria along the shoreline of what was once Barovia. She healed the young woman and gave her a reading of her future. With this knowledge Messaria went forth seeking out the group she had seen within her vision. The first she encountered was Caspian Arterian, then only a fresh graduate of the Roseweald Academy of Magic. The two of them became quick friends and journeyed together for nearly a year before encountering the next members of the group that would become The Dark Pillars. While traveling the southern realms the duo met the trio composed of Azerian, a Druid of Rot, Ziel Viendal, a Knight of Castle Blackwall and Plev, a halfling cleric of Death.   The group met when battling a Group of Bandits who had taken control of a Fortress. The group of five killed nearly 200 bandits, finding they worked well together they agreed to travel alongside one another. During the following years the group had many adventures, some good and some less so, but they journeyed together and became an inseperable family. Just before the events that tore them apart, Ziel had proposed to Messaria as they had bonded over their shared disdain for the divine power they had recieved from the Divine Spring. Caspian had met an Archfey who had taken a great interest in him as he had been the first to outwit her. Azerian had become the Archdruid of his Circle of Druids and the unofficial Leader of the Group while Plev had constructed a Cathedral within the capital of Blackwall Territory and become a celebrated Priest, as he preached the acceptance of Death not the fear of it. While the group was on what was to be their last journey together they were interupted by the destruction of the Divine Spring at the hands of Vecna and thus the beginning of the Purge War. Caspian was called upon to undergo the ritual of the Arcanist in order to protect and potentially end the War before it could get out of hand, but the Ritual was interrupted and before the magic could annhilate his friends he attempted to teleport them away, though this would fail and send them to the far corners of the Planes with no means to contact one another.   Under the impression that all the others had perished, each of the Pillars went off on their own quest. Messaria had lost her family for a second time and became a cold and heartless monster, only ceasing her bloodlust at the end of the Purge War some Nine Millenia later.


Strahd Von Zarovich


Towards Messaria Von Zarovich, Death's Pale Lady


Messaria Von Zarovich, Death's Pale Lady


Towards Strahd Von Zarovich


Divine Classification
Proto God
Chaotic Neutral
Pale Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Stark White
165 lbs.
Herself/The Raven Matron/Ziel Viendal

Articles under Messaria Von Zarovich, Death's Pale Lady


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