
Oh dear, your caligraphy needs work sweetie. Hear position your hand like this and... sorry thats the teacher in me coming out again.

Magister Tereen Misver Laseren (a.k.a. Granny Telee)

A Tiefling Scribe Wizard and former Magister from the Academy of Roseweald.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Her body maintains a semi youthful appearance and function, if pressed on the matter she simply will reply its an old concoction she developed, though she does admit it does not extend her life, only maintains her youthful vigor. She carries her spellbook at all times and it is bound with enchantments so that none but she may open it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tereen was born and Raised in the Imperial City of Visturan but later left following a fight with her parents over her military service. She made her way to Roseweald and practiced the craft of magic she had learned from the Imperial College of War Magic, finding a much more comfortable life being a Scribe than a Battlemage. Her ability to pen scrolls became Legendary at the Roseweald Academy and she was gifted Scroll after Scroll by her educators to provide more availability of harder to locate spell scrolls. After nearly a Decade as a student and later as an instructor she became the Magister for the Order of Scribes within the Academy.   She enjoyed a lengthy tenure as Magister, as she was well liked by nearly all within the Campus but unfortunatley it was exposed after nearly forty years that she and another Magister had been carrying on a secret relationship, which violated the Laws of the Magister Council. It would have been a simple exit from the council but another of her colleagues whipped the remaining Council members into a Frenzy over this simple Violation. Her home was set alight by a series of Fireballs and her lover and son were caught in the Blast. Distraught she turned her extensive collection of Scrolls upon the one who had perpetrated this transgression. By the time she had finished with him he was dust in the wind and Teleen left the City in exile to open her own shop within the City of Brass.   Here she purchased young slaves and gave them the chance to live a comfortable life, if not a free one. She treated her slaves as her own children, providing them with comforts and teaching them her ways. Many aided her in her selling of scrolls and other magical neccessities, while others hauled and transported said supplies to the storefront. Within five years of her exile she had a thriving business and many of her former students were eager to purchase new scrolls from her, and thus a portal was constructed within the Roseweald Academy, a one way rift to her store within the City of Brass. She maintained a collection of Plane shift scrolls for her customers to return home with. Her former colleagues allowed this, their guilt in the manner of causing her plight weighed heavily upon them. She did have a Daughter with an unknown man sometime shortly after her arrival in the city, and she cherishes her daughter immensly.   So she remained a successful woman even in exile until a Civil War erupted within the City and she was forced to evacuate alongside a great many merchants. She wove the runes to allow them passage from the City and led the way for them to arrive at Dragon's Claim Keep. Here she, With permission from Klexia Andronos, set up within the Moon Haven Tower along with her now freed employees acting as her new students. She now spends her time aiding the young Mages of the Keep in their penning of Scrolls and new spells.


As a Magister of Roseweald she was viewed as one of the Most Powerful Wizards in the world, and while her ability to weave more powerful spells has waned in the past few years she maintains a sharp mind and extensive knowledge even of matters that would be seen as Forbidden in many corners of the Arcane World.

Mental Trauma

She has a traumatic fear of Flame, as it resurfaces painful memories of the night of her Family's Deaths, though this has waned to more of a distaste for Fire Magic rather than a paralyzing fear.
Lawful Good
Current Status
Teaching Scroll writing at the Moon Haven
Current Location
Candlelight Yellow
Messy Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Blue
95 lbs.
Garn Zoren
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Giant, Dwarvish, Goblin, Orc, Elvish, Abyssal, Celestial, Halfling, Gnomish, Undercommon, Necril, Primordial, Loxodon, Minotaur, Githyanki, Drow Sign Language, Druidic


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