The Moon Haven

All will be welcome here. All who wish to learn.

The Tower of Klexia Andronos, The Moon Haven is both an Arcane Tower and a Library of magical knowledge. Here the arcane powers of the Valley are focused and channeled through an Arcane crystal that hovers above the tower, enabling the projection of Magical Spells anywhere within the Valley from within the Tower.   Arcane Research can be conducted within the Tower and studied within the Library. The Black Dragoness, Numi, has taken up residence within the Tower and performs near constant research into the Arcane, at least as long as her children will allow her. Alongside her the Tiefling Child, Siora Clearspring, does her best to learn the ways of the Arcane, learning from both Numi and Vara Eld.   The Library is an evergrowing collection on Magical Theory and Practice, allowing for many to learn here or those who have some knowledge to expand their understanding of Magic.   The tower has its own teleportation Gateway from the keep and can be reached easily using this method.   The Tower has now become only one piece of this structure as it ahs expanded to become a fully fledged Academy of Magical Study. While much of the Academy is built atop the mountains, the structure descends into the rock beneath as well, with entrances now built into the base of the mountains to allow for easier access.   Numiner has overseen many of the Additions to the Academy and has planned for the future, adding far more dormitories and Classrooms than are currently needed as she looks to a future where they would Rival the Academies of Roseweald and the Imperial College of War Magic. After her Husband's visit and near death experience in Roseweald, she has begun spreading word of the Academy and expressing it as a welcome destination for all who wish to learn magic, not only the wealthy or well connected. This approach has yielded results as already prospective students have begun to trickle in.
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