The Clearspring

Calming waters, fine drink and a pleasant aroma make it hard for anyone to remain in a foul mood here. My parent's taught me that much. - Anaya Clearspring

A Bathhouse located in Dragon's Claim Keep under the ownership of Anaya Clearspring.

Purpose / Function

Anaya Clearspring, following her recovery from her injuries and her assissting in the planning of the Temple District in Dragon's Claim Keep, grew bored with her normal daily routine and wished for a taste of home, or at least for her children to know the peace she grew up with. So she commisioned a Bathhouse be built within the walls of the keep, as a place to clean oneself and to socialize that was not simply the local tavern.   The Building contains several public and private baths that can be adjusted to suit a clients desires in temperature. Incense hangs throughout the building providing a calming aroma and several lounges can be found adjacent to the baths. The building is staffed by local villagers and managed by Anaya.

Sensory & Appearance

The incense flowing throughout the structure is of a medicinal nature, though a very mild one at that, and is a relaxing fragrance, while music is played via recording devices provided by the Green Dragon Shizani Irefni. Multiple styles of music may be selected, most played by Anaya herself or courtesy of musicians from the Fel-Harmonic Festival.

Contents & Furnishings

While the baths are standard fare for furnishings the Lounges within the building are lavishly decorated with cushions and pillows, procured from a as of yet unknown source. Within the deeper chambers, one can find living quarters for staff and at the rear of the building upon the second story one will find rooms for Anaya and her children.


The Exterior is reminiscent of the structures of Anaya's home within Azlantai, the Plane of the High Elves, though the interior is much more in line with the rest of the keep.


Prices are adjusted based upon the means of an arrival, with those of more wealthy standing being asked to contribute more, though this extra patronage comes with the benefits of a bit more control of ones experience.
Additional Rulers/Owners


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