Siora Clearspring

What do you mean 'I'm disrupting your class'? I'm just here to watch my beautiful wife give her lecture on the art of persuasion... Or should we demonstrate for them?

Professor Siora Raeun Clearspring

Siora is a young tiefling girl and the daughter of Anaya Clearspring and Lukrag of Grosh-Ka. It has become apparent over the past year that she has inherited her mothers Elven Longevity as she has slowed in growth beside her twin brother, as well as that she has not inherited her fathers physical fortitude, as she is frequently ill, even if with only minor afflictions.   Since the fall of the Roost she has followed Vara Eld, who had once been her equal in years and experience and now has aged quite far ahead of the young girl, and been learning the basics of Spell craft from the young Tabaxi Woman. While she is not a prodigy, she has progressed further than a child would normally, most likely due to her High Elven Blood. To further her studies, since arriving at Dragon's Claim Keep she has spent much time in The Moon Haven tower to study the tomes of Arcane knowledge within and to learn from both Klexia Andronos and the Black Dragon Numi.   She loves her Mother and Brother dearly and has begun calling Vara Eld, 'Aunt Vara'. She is the only member of the Roost refugees that Dan Eld will not angrily lash out at.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Siora is very physically frail. She views her fraility as a sign to not follow her parent's more martial aspects, instead she prefers to follow her mother's original pursuit, the art of magic and music.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Siora is the Twin Sister of Onvyr Clearspring, and the Daughter of Anaya Clearspring and High Lord Lukrag. She despises her father, both for what he did to her mother and for his blood being in her veins. While she and Onvyr were still children within the Roost, she was targeted for her Infernal Heritage as well as her slightly protruding vestigal tusks in her lower jaw. This bullying was so bad that when she was four, Siora took one of the knives from their evening meal and removed the tusks herself. The act nearly killed her but the other children saw her nearly die in the attempt and under threat of death from Onvyr, they ceased their teasing.   While within the Roost she had begun to study magic under Arcanist Eletrias Elsorn, though she showed little aptitude for the discipline required by Wizardry. He instead taught her of the Magic her mother had used before taking up the mantle of Paladin, that of Bardic Magic. Siora was a natural, using her wits and her beautiful Elven esque voice to weave magic. She has continued to practice this talent but her progress has stalled without a suitable mentor due to the absence of Dan Eld, Hope Seyrun and the frequent disappearance of Archfel Quillima Duskborn. Without a suitable mentor at the Moon Haven, Siora has resorted to educating herself. Though she has picked up the bad habit of others to have a very flirtatious manner of speech.   Her Biology varies much from her twin Brother, she has aged in an appropriate manner but seems to have inherited her mother's High Elven Biology, that of inborn Immortality. She worries what that will mean for her but she has taken her brother's words to heart and aspires to enjoy her time with him as much as she can. She is often found in the company of Alizain, Onvyr, Tali and Dandren as the ringleader of a group who have caused quite a bit of mischief.   She is a mainstay at her mother's bathhouse and enjoys showing her musical talents to patrons, whether that is performing alongside or against her mother. She is a rather insightful individual, having an eye for any patrons that are becoming problems and directing them to be removed if they take anything to far. This insight has proven a boon to her friends as she can usually tell when people have lasped in their attention and when they may not notice things are missing.   With this insight it is painfully obvious to her why Alizain comes to see her with such regularity. She refuses to voice this until Alizain has brought up the subject but she continues to enjoy the red dragon's company regardless. She very much enjoys teasing Alizain on her frequent visits and sometimes ludicrous explanantions.   During the Chaotic Seven's Six month absence, she and Alizain have formally started dating. The two perform songs at the Clearspring Bath house regularly and they are fan favorites for their performances, much to Vella and Riona's jealousy.   Siora was trapped in the Abyss for nearly 60 years by her Paternal Grandmother, Demon Lord Malcanthet. She and Alizain relied on each other for strength and comfort during their time their and the two of them officially wed during their time spent there.   When the Chaotic Seven arrived to free them, Siora was quick to accept a way out. She had been able to block out the Abyssal Corruption due to her heritage but it had begun to wear her defenses thin. She and her Wife have taken up Proffesorship of Bardic Magic at the Moon Haven Magic Academy.   She is the 'fun' Professor as stated by her students, she often gives practical demonstrations of Bardic Magic and allows her students to gain much more hands on experience than other teachers. She also favors teaching non magical means of Persuasion and Manipulation, often with less Practical demonstration than her other subjects.


Siora is Pansexual, as she showed quite frequently at the Rose Petal Lounge. While she enjoys the company of any, she has eyes for only one long term partner, that of her Wife and Love, Alizain Andronas.


Siora is a Professor at the Moon Haven Magic Academy and one of the two Professors of Bardic Magic.   She is the co owner of The Velvet Lounge, a brothel the two established after returning to the Keep. Many of their former coworkers have turned to using their previous employment at the new establishment. Siora and Alizain ensure that their people are treated well.


Onvyr Clearspring

Twin Brother

Towards Siora Clearspring


Siora Clearspring

Twin Sister

Towards Onvyr Clearspring


Siora Clearspring

Wife (Important)

Towards Alizain Andronas



Alizain Andronas

Wife (Important)

Towards Siora Clearspring



Class: College of Valor Bard
Chaotic Neutral
Parents (Adopting)
Onvyr Clearspring (Twin Brother)
Current Residence
The Moon Haven
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bright Red
65 lbs.
Gelfar, The Archivist
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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