The Red Royal

One of the three "Royal Trio" of ships the Red Royal is one of the three original Legendary Ships, at least since the beginning of the historical records. She is a Galleon with crimson sails and a penchant for speed, she is one of the fastest ship on the seas and one of the most famous for her stubbornness.   The Royal trio of ships refer to, The Red Royal, The Iron King and The Frozen Queen. These three legendary ships were stolen from the same port on the same night, near the end of the purge war. Each holds an immensely powerful ship spirit and each spirit has an ideal they value above all else. The Red Royal values her Freedom, The IronĀ  King desires power and The Frozen Queen values her crew.   The Red Royal has only ever had two captains, the human woman who originally stole her from Port and the Elven man who helmed her after her first captains death. Since his retirement and death she has had no true captain, though not for lack of young captains trying. She values her freedom and she will not tolerate a captain who ignores her whims, as such most of her potential captains end up overboard or marooned on islands throughout the archipelago.   Spirit: The Red Royal takes the form of a young human woman with messy Red hair usually tied back with a bandana. She has her notorious stubborn streak but she has another claim to fame, she is the only known Ship Spirit, legendary or otherwise, to be able to helm herself and sail with no captain or crew, should she desire. When she is found by a potential captain, and then when she finds them unworthy, she moves herself to another spot in the archipelago. At times she has become her own Captain, gathering a crew and raiding the Imperial Coast for years before her crew either becomes to old or is killed, at which point she takes to hiding among the isles again.
Ship Class: Imperial Galleon
Captain: None
Crew Size: 200 Fully Crewed


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