Vinalmo Efrezi

Vinalmo is the Leader of the Efrezi Province within Moromel. He is an ancient Elf who assumed control of the Duchy from the previous leader in the days after the death of Corellon, the Elvish God. While Vinalmo's exact age is unknown he is known to be one of the Original elves created by Correllon while war between the Giants and Dragons was nearing its end.   Vinalmo loyally followed Corellon until his death during the Purge war at the hands of Malgeron. Following the Elven God's death Vinalmo grew far more Cold and stoic, as he entered what would become the Efrezi Province. He alone executed the existing nobility, armed with naught but a pistol and his own rapier. When all was done he declared himself Duke and seized control of the Province.   Since then he has defended the province and run it in an orderly fashion. The laws he has put in place are strict but he is fair to those who follow them. He extends personal aid to Elven people who have nowhere else to go and while he does partake in slavery he does purchase slaves from other parts of the world, giving them homes and places to work off their debt in comfort. These former slaves can work off their debt in usually only ten years and then are free to keep the land upon which they have lived.   Vinalmo keeps a personally trained group of individuals as mercenaries and bodyguards, known as the Efrezi Regulars. Each is personally trained by Vinalmo himself and none are allowed to publicy demonstrate their skills until they meet the Duke's expectations. Vinalmo himself is recognized as the greatest marksman across the Planes. Using his own custom built and modified firearms he can accuratley hit objects as small as a dagger up to a mile away. While his skill with a blade is less well known he was skilled enough to duel with Emperor Autrion on his own without sustaining lasting injury, while Autrion ended the encounter with multiple wounds.   Vinalmo is a cold and ruthless man, showing compassion only to Elves and the very rare few who earn his respect. Only one of these people is known in the form of Yin Lian, Queen of the Pirates of the Sunfire Archipelago. She was once a student of his in the art of marksmanship and dueling and while she has her own affairs to manage now, her ship, The Salty Princess, makes regular stops to the capital of the Efrezi Province. She is also one of the only individuals that can order the Duke around without being attacked.
Age: 40,000+
Species: Primordial Elf (High Elf is the closest to his nature)
Occupation: Duke of the Efrezi Province of Moromel
Partners: Yin Lian, Numerous Elves


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