Cyrus Silvarno

Cyrus Don Silvarno (a.k.a. The Ram)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cyrus was a well trained man in life. He was wide of shoulders and was very strong. So strong that he got the nickname "The Ram" during his childhood.

Specialized Equipment

Cyrus mostly wielded blunt weapons and after his 70th birthday he mostly wielded the Cane of the Ram, a special made magical walking stick with a metal ram head on it, given to him by The Poet

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cyrus was the firstborn child of Clifford Silvarno, the leader and founder of the Silvarno Crew who operated in Cullfield. He and his sister Kathrine were both taught from a very young age by their father how to protect themselves and how to one day take over the business. Their childhood was cut short as they became part of their father's operation at a young age. Cyrus was quick to adjust and to learn his father's way of life in the Silvarno Crew. His sister however, was not that good. She had a hard time adjusting to her role in the crew and would regularly fail her tasks. Their father cared little for failure and had Kathrine thrown out of the city to harden up and return when she could fend for herself, many years went by without word for her and even though Cyrus was fond of her and missed her dearly, he never went out to find her and she never returned.   Cyrus continued to work his way up in the crew before his father passed in A4 606 at the age of 72. Cyrus was expected to continue his work and lead his organization, something that Cyrus would do with both honor and delight. His control over the crew would grow it in both size and wealth. His influence became the biggest one in Cullfield on the illegal side. While his crew got bigger and bigger, a need for better protection and show of might became more needed. Cyrus wanted some sort of elite squad, but didn't want to hire mercenaries or deal with people that could betray him. He spent much time pondering on what sort of people he should hire, before he came up with the idea of the Red Gills. He knew the stories of the enslaved race locathah which usually was an aquatic race, but he had seen many of their people aimlessly walk around in both Cullfield and Bleakburn. He went on to collect as many locathah as he could find and give them an opportunity to work for him for good pay. Most agreed to join him and he managed to find around 100 locathah to become part of his new squad the Red Gills. Cyrus knew the locathah were clumsy, untrained and had few advantages, so he wanted to give them one skill to focus on. He hired a master crossbowman and had them train to shoot and aim, and with a few months of training, most of them were able to hit their marks. Many years with this training and focusing on aiming and ambushes, the Red Gills would become a feared group.   Cyrus's life in Cullfield would have many moments of interest, he became good friends with the Rothwell family and could often be seen in public with them. At some point he was almost talked into running for mayor of the town, but as Cullfield had never had self-governing he backed out of the idea, and Cyrus didn't want all the attention it came with it. One of the more interesting people Cyrus went on to meet and eventually befriend was The Poet. He was a unusual fellow that went by the name The Poet and never used his real name. He was a vedalken that had been away from Cullfield for a long time but had returned to the city to make it a better place. He was an intelligent businessman, but had few assets himself and were more of a broker between more wealthy and inluential individuals or organization. He also had a weird quirk that he would often form sentences into poems right on the spot or think loudly in poems. Cyrus liked his motivations and was amused by his poems so he continued to be around him. The years went by and The Poet and Cyrus became close friends and begun helping eachother out, The Poet would help Cyrus score deals and make more strategic and profitable decisions in his organization and Cyrus would in return give The Poet some land in Cullfield to grow his own organization which could co-exist with his own, it quickly became a mutual benefital friendship.   As the years went by in Cullfield and both organizations prospered alongside eachother his son Clad Silvarno who was born in A4 599 decided to leave Cullfield and go on a journey to learn how to fight and better himself for the time he would lead the crew. Cyrus was proud of him for it and endorsed his journey. After a few years of Clad's journey Cyrus's wife Lisa had become sick and no physicians could help her with her disease, she had cancer and it was discovered too late for any physican to attempt a removal of the growth. Cyrus became very isolated for a few months after her death in A4 630, but The Poet was there for him during his grief. He had been good friends with Lisa and an uncle figure for Clad so he felt the grief deeply himself. Life got much more boring for Cyrus after her death, but he continued to lead his crew and focus on making a legacy for Clad. He would do more drastic actions and take bigger chances over the next years which would greatly increase his power and wealth. After Cyrus's 70th birthday, he became even more serious with his business and grew more and more distant from his friends and The Poet. In A4 642 he moved onto some of The Poet's territory in Lokeslea the northern fields of Cullfield. This angered The Poet and he confronted Cyrus about what he was doing and said he did not want to become his enemy, Cyrus said it wouldn't come to it and reasured The Poet that he was being paranoid. But behind his back Cyrus continued to scheme to take over what he once gave to The Poet as it was all that was not his in the city. He had grown cold towards The Poet who had found so much success of his own, and became so jealous that he hired an assassin to get rid of his old friend. The assassin was paid well and returned successfully, The Poet had been slain in his sleep. It was therefor were suprising to Cyrus that he found himself face to face with the Poet just a few days later. He had been awoken by the screams in Cullfield as big parts were on fire and the sky was filled with smoke, he ran towards his door to leave his home, but it was then he encountered The Poet. He had a crowbar in his hand and hit Cyrus across the face with it while reciting one last poem to him. The blows came hard, one after another until Cyrus found himself on the ground with his breath taken away from him. He looked up at The Poet one last time as the crowbar came down onto his skull, killing him.


Personal education by his father.

Intellectual Characteristics

Cyrus was an incredibly intelligent man with a natural talent for scheming and playing the long game. His ability to predict allies and enemies made him one of the most legendary masterminds of his time.


Family Ties


Cyrus Silvarno


Towards Lisa Silvarno

Lisa Silvarno


Towards Cyrus Silvarno

Lawful evil
Date of Death
9th of Al’Kasir
567 643 76 years old
Circumstances of Death
Cyrus was killed by The Poet
Place of Death
Lisa Silvarno (spouse)
Dark brown
Dark gray, short with a decent receding hairline
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
191 centimeters
87 kilo
Known Languages
Common, Daharian, Locathah
Character Prototype
John Doman


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