

Alberra began as a meeting ground among the nomads living in the area. They would come to trade goods and information, a tradition that holds true to the modern day. When Malik the Lost conquered the meeting ground in 132 PS, some of his people took up permanent residence in order to maintain Malik’s reign. Over time, the settlement grew into a thriving city, where the ruler of Pastoralis would live for part of the year. As the city grew, it became more unwieldy, and sharp divides grew between different nomadic religions. In the year 179 AS, Alberra fell into chaos as several groups vied for control of the city. King Vient II fled the city, seeking help from the newly Kaddite city of Egrecia. Egrecia sent a battalion to reclaim the city, on the condition that Pastoralis converted to Kada. the Egrecian battalion slaughtered the rebelling factions and occupied the city for months as nomadic idols were sacked and Kaddite churches were erected.

Geography and Climate

Alberra is located on the Yasha River. It is surrounded by fertile farmland and pastures, where the unique species of cattle known as Alberochs are raised. The yaks for The Dorak are also raised and trained near Alberra.


Modern Alberra has a stable strong government, ruled by the King or Queen of Pastoralis for half the year, and the Lord Regent for the other half of the year. The people of Alberra often complain of high taxes and a tightly controlled market.

Social Services

For the most part, social services are hard to come by in Alberra. However, the Lynx temple is known to give food and shelter to those in need sometimes.


Alberra is known for its education system, where any child who wants it is provided a rudimentary education for free. They are taught reading and writing, medicine, and history. Alberra is also a good place to find mentorship for practicing medicine or Artifice.


Healthcare is relatively accessible in Alberra, as many training physicians offer their services cheaply.


Vient’s Hold

Vient’s Hold is a castle in the center of the city, constructed after King Vient II reclaimed the city with the Egrecian battalion. The Lord Regent and the Royals live and rule in this castle.

Temple of the Lynx

The Temple of the Lynx is the main place of worship in Alberra. Even though it’s still under construction, it is still used as a place of worship.

Arts and Culture

Alberra is a mixing pot of nomadic Pastoralis culture and influences from the other Kaddite regions. Storytelling is a popular artform, and folklore is very important to them. The Festival of Rememberance is very popular in Alberra, and nomads from across Pastoralis come to Alberra to share stories of those who they’ve lost.


Alberra grows a large amount of olives and grains in the fields around the city. Additionally, Alberochs steaks are a delicacy across Tel Rialis. Seafood is also popular in Alberra- generally it is brought up the river by Saeno merchants. Bad children get fed corn cakes (like rice cakes).  

Notable People

  • King Heril
  • Queen Isobelle
  • Lord Regent Pravis
  • Kaddite High Councilor Zena


  • South Town - A poor district to the south of the city.
  • Summer Ward - The Saeno district across the Yasha River (link needed).
  • The Wrap - The wealthy district, between Vient’s Hold and the river.
  • Olivewood - A slightly less poor district to the north of the city.


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