Malik the Lost

Malik the Lost was an ancient conqueror, who united the Pastorali nomads and founded the cities of Culpira, Mezigal, and Alberra.

Early Life

Born to a nomadic family, Malik spent his early days on the plains of what was to be Pastoralis, learning animal husbandry and foraging. His family wasn’t well liked, and they would often get into fights with other nomadic groups. From a young age, Malik was taught to fight in these battles, and he quickly earned a reputation as a skilled tactician.  


When his uncle died, Malik took over as the leader of his group. Smelling blood in the water, other nomadic groups circled Malik’s weakened group. Through a well timed alliance, Malik was able to fend off and earn the respect of the attacking groups. He then persuaded them to join him, for he had a plan.  


Every month, nomadic groups from across Tel Rialis would meet at the common ground of Mezigal in order to trade goods and stories. One month, after all the groups had gathered, Malik and his alliance surrounded Mezigal, catching the gathered groups unaware. He offered them a choice– join him or die. Malik established Mezigal as his base of operations, as he formed the nomadic groups into a united army, with which he would take over most of the western end of Tel Rialis.


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