Andres Carballo

Andres Carballo, Saeno Male, 20 Years Old

Background: Saeno, Aristocratic

Location: Saeno ship, but spends significant amount of time in Malva

Occupation: Merchant and Acquisitor of Knowledge (Spy)

Early Life

Andres was born on one of the most prominent Saeno ships. His father was the younger brother of the current captain at the time, and was an incredibly successful merchant and tradesmen for the Saeno community. While Andres’ immediate family was limited to his mother and father, the entire community on the Saeno ship he grew up on was extremely close-knit together and shared what they had with each other. He grew up closely with his younger cousin and heir to the ship.

Andres’ parents were active knowledge seekers for the Saeno population, using their trading skills to enter into the most prominent and status-driven areas of Tel Rialis and convene with high-ranking officials around the continent. The work brought Andres and his family across much of Tel Rialis, leading Andres to become extremely well-traveled at a young age, but never becoming too encapsulated with the ways of the stagnant world.

When Andres was 18, an Al-Kuliyan raid on the ship wiped out a large majority of his ship family, including his parents and uncle (the captain). Andres’ cousin was immediately thrown into the position of ship captain. Though the remaining Saenians swore their loyalty to the young captain, many outsiders involved with trade did not respect the agency or power the young boy possessed. Devastated with the loss of his family and seeking justice for all his people had lost, Andres devoted his life to serving and guiding his younger cousin. With his family’s inheritance and older age, Andres served as a familial advisor and advocate for the young captain

Career and Skills

Even as a teenager and young adult, Andres uses his wealth and status to obtain information and knowledge in some of the more restricted areas to outsiders. His station provides support to the young captain of his ship, whom he has sworn immense loyalty to, and often acts as an advisor/mediator of sorts to outsiders who do not always respect the young man’s role as captain. Using his parents’ social skills and status, Andres spent a lot of time on trade routes forging deep connections with professionals all over the continent.


Additionally, Andres served dutifully alongside his young, energetic cousin and captain. He would often accompany him to significant meetings amidst other Saenian leaders, and especially those in Kaddite and Al-Kuliyan territories. He would leave the ship occasionally independently on field missions to acquire goods and knowledge from specific regions, but would always report his findings first to his cousin.

Andres also became fast friends with Nico Reyes-Castillo , a young archivist at the Library of Malva . Andres spent much of his time in Malva, Tel Rialis’ most significant city of knowledge (nicknamed the “City of Traveling Secrets”). The two forged a connection based on their shared Saeno heritage, and utilized this bond to obtain crucial information for protection and provision of the Saeno population.

Current Status
Aristocratic Merchant and Spy
Current Residence
Saeno Ship and Malva


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