Nico Reyes-Castillo

Nico Reyes-Castillo, Kada Male, 22, Working Class

Background: Saeno (mother) and Kaddite (father) (Domína)

Location: Malva

Occupation: Archivist in the [Library of Malva] (minor role: caretaker of Library’s resident tortoise, Tomás

Early Life

Nico and his twin sister Monica were born in the lower regions of Malva near the Saeno trading ports. Their father, Pablo Reyes, was a Saeno trader who fell in love with their mother, Daniela Castillo, a Kaddite architect in the upper regions of the city. Despite their differing cultural and religious backgrounds, the two decided to make a life together within the lower levels of the city so Pablo would feel more connected to his cultural heritage, while Daniela still had access to work in the upper regions. As an outsider, Pablo had to work many years as a civil servant, choosing to utilize his trading techniques to help contribute knowledge to the Malva governing system. By the time the twins were born and Pablo had been living in Malva for 10 years, he was granted access to the knowledge centers and Library of Malva.

Nico and Monica have been extremely close since they were young, and grew up doing many things together. From a young age, Nico’s parents heavily promoted and prioritized a strong education. Most of their parents’ earnings were dedicated to supporting Nico and Monica to attend school in the upper regions of the city, and to attend the University of Malva. Nico in particular took advantage of these resources, spending much of his time in the Library of Malva.

With the traditional academics taught in schools came Nico’s parents’ own vast teachings, values, and stories. Nico and Monica were heavily influenced by their parents’ story of meeting and their father’s struggle as a Saeno male working throughout Tel Rialis. While both Nico and Monica have attended Kaddite rituals and practiced alongside their mother in honoring their core god, Miento, the twins have extreme respect and admiration for their Saenian heritage, and make a significant effort to spread and tell the truth of their father’s culture to anyone who may judge or ask.

Career and Connections

While studying at the University of Malva, Nico decided to become an archivist in the grand Library of Malva as a way to continue supporting and learning more about the influx of information at Tel Rialis’ most distinguished center of knowledge. Nico also takes care of the resident tortoise that the Library possesses, named Tomás.

While working at the Library one evening, Nico was left alone when Andres Carballo broke in under the cover of night seeking crucial information on an impending attack against the Saenian community. Though initially distrustful and weary of the stranger, Nico felt for the cause based on their shared heritage, and eventually began secretly working to help aid Andres’ search for information to protect the Saeno community. The two grew to become best friends, along with Monica as a trio working to help the Saenians.

Current Residence


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