Baltasar Gulf


  Baltasar Gulf borders three kingdoms: Ahumm, Malagra, and Vencerrado. The northeast limit of Baltasar Gulf is defined as ending at just past the northernmost tip of Ahumm by the city of Arvad.  

Geographical Features

Baltasar Gulf's waters are quite warm in the summer season and drop off to deep water quickly. The warmest waters can be found near the volcano where the molten rock near the surface worms up the water around it. During the winter, these waters turn cold. Due to the rapidly changing temperatures to two extremes, there is not much wildlife that can be found in these waters. Only the hardiest of sea life can survive in this gulf. However, crabbing during the winter is quite popular and tends to be plentiful, with boats catching several large crabs up to 24 pounds with a leg width of up to 5 feet.  

Shipwrecks and Legends

There are three known shipwrecks that have been rediscovered. Two can be found near the coast of Ahumm, where they capsized due to being too close to shore after a tsunami struck, triggered by seismic and volcanic activity. These two boats were a pair of trade ships that were returning to Egrecia after bringing in some olives to Malagra. The third is on the south side of Baltasar Gulf, which was pushed into the rocks by the islands during a tropical storm. This ship was a simple travel ship.

The Legend of the Stygian

There is a 4th disputed shipwreck that is thought to reside near the volcano. This ship is said to be called the Stygian, a massive trade ship that was carrying a large sum of gold and precious stones. During a volcanic eruption, the ash cloud blinded the navigators on the ship, which was sailing nearby, and the ship sailed into the cloud, disappearing from view from other nearby ships. The ship and the people on it were never seen again, many assume that the fire and ash from the volcano combined with the weight of its cargo caused the ship to sink quickly and violently. Today, sailors share the story of the Stygian, claiming that the ship can still be found at the bottom of the sea, gold waiting to be rediscovered. However, they warn that if you sail too close to the island, you might hear the ghostly screams of the men and women who perished in the waters and see the shadow of a ship still searching for its destination.

Also Mentioned

Egrecia, the Region
Gulf / Lagoon


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