Brooch of Iliya Inés al Cruz

This brooch formerly belonged to Queen Iliya Inés al Cruz, during her time as princess of Vencerrado . It was made in the year 678, as a gift from visiting @Doro nobility to the then young princess. The design is of a 16 petaled golden flower, with a center of black garnet. Some falsely label this as a Kuliya's Ring made for personal devotion, however the flower design, not featuring six petals, is simply a symbol of goodwill. Iliya was reported to be quite fond of the pin, and would wear it on her person almost constantly. When the old capital of Vencerrado was destroyed, it was one of the few treasures which Iliya was able to save of her personal collection. However, it is no longer in her possession, as when she fled the city at the age of 18, she chose to leave the brooch behind, along with most of her other personal belongings. Now the brooch is in the possession of the current Vencerradan royal family, and is held within their personal collection.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable


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