Domína Mountain Villages

Although a majority of Domína’s  population lives in the capital city of Malva , there are still a number of notable settlements and villages that are scattered throughout the Hanno Mountain range in the southern section of the region. In order to sustain themselves, the residents of these towns focus on mining and farming to produce materials that can be sold to the capital city of Malva. These small villages are connected through paths that wander through the mountains and are considered difficult to travel to and from without the proper equipment or planning.  


Baal is located on the southern edge of the Hanno Mountain ranges and is near numerous natural caves and ravines. This has led the town to rely on mining as its main source of income. Many residents work in the mines gathering and exporting materials such as iron, coal, copper, quartz, and on the rare occasion, gold. Baal also hosts a number of small farms with livestock and crops which are used to support and feed its residents.  


The largest of Domína’s mountain villages, Marbella is located on the western portion of the Hanno Mountains and was built around a small natural stream that winds down the mountain and originates from Lake Melita. The stream provides a source of freshwater for the residents as well as some small help with the town’s processing of milling. The village’s main crops consist of rye, barely, wheat, and tea leaves, which are grown in the mountainous regions via terrace farming. During the town’s early years, its growing agriculture began to attract rodents. This caused the early residents of the town to introduce cats to counteract the increase in rats and mice, and the presence of cats soon became a large, but welcome part of life in Marbella. In order to live along the steep cliff of the mountain, many of the buildings in Marbella are built of stone embedded into the mountainside. This has resulted in many of the town’s pathways being steep and winding.  


Tariq is located on the eastern edges of the Hanno Mountains and is positioned on one of the flatter plateaus of the mountain, which includes larger portions of land to farm on and develop. Most residents of Tariq focus on sheep and goat farming and exporting related products. These products include meat, milk and cheese products, wool, as well as hand-woven crafts such as scarves and other clothing items.


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