Lola Ovejero

Early Life


Lola Ovejero grew up in the mountain village Tariq in Domína . Her family consisted of poor farmers. She sought after education in Domina in order to bring her family to a higher economic status. She did not take interest in common areas of study, and did not seek to continue secondary education. When the Saeno began to reside and trade in Domina, they also brought their abundant knowledge of Magic and Artifice . She sought after their knowledge and became a student in their craft. She worked diligently to become a professional in Artifice.  

Throughout her time in school, she was seen as an outsider because of her family's work and societal status. At this time, education was not as accessible to families residing in the mountain villages, most of the children attending schools came from aristocratic families who lived in the main cities of Domina.  

Professional Life


After spending 25 years perfecting her craft, Lola gained a position as a professor in the University of Criada in Malva. She worked as a mentee under the supervision of a Grand Artificer when she was first learning. She then ranked up and worked under a Master Artifice before starting her position as a professor. The Saenians were very welcoming to her and appreciated her enthusiasm to become a professional in their magical craft. They treated her with respect and dignity which is customary of the Saeno people.  

As of now, she has been a highly respected professor at the University of Criada. She has shared her knowledge with students seeking a profession in Artifice for 20 years. Lola wishes to continue teaching for the rest of her life. She has written multiple textbooks and has given funds to local Artifice workspaces in Domina. She has also given back to the local Saenian population by giving them funding and teaching positions at the university. She wanted to give back to them for being so welcoming and helpful to her and her dreams.  



Lola Ovejero grew up with her mother, father, and two older brothers. Her brothers went after a career in agriculture to continue building and caring for their family’s farm in Tariq. Her mother set very high expectations for her at a young age to bring their family prosperity in the future. Her mother got sick when she was very young and passed away when Lola was 15 years old. She dedicates all of her progress and accomplishments to her mother. In her honor, Lola built a scholarship program for young people in the Tariq mountain villages so others could accomplish their dreams and receive a good education.  

Lola did not have a good relationship with her father because he wanted her to follow in his footsteps and help her brothers run the farm. On the other hand, her brothers helped her pay her way through school and she continued to have a good relationship with them throughout their lives. Lola married a fellow professor at the University of Criada named Dario Biel. Dario is a professor of psychology and human behavior and has been teaching for 30 years. They have been married for 18 years and they have 3 children.

Current Location
Tariq, Domina
Aligned Organization


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