Prosh Vera

Early Life

Prosh Vera was born in rural northern Malagra, and raised as a devot Kaddite. He grew fond of Toron, the Lynx, despite his parents, farmers, being strict followers of the Tortoise, Miento. His parents despised him for this, claiming that he was practically a Kuliyan. The tension led Prosh to take the first opportunity he could to get away from his hometown, and joined with a merchant caravan that was passing through.  

Caravan Guard

He was recruited as a caravan guard by the Tassilo family caravan. The other members of the caravan taught him how to fight, which he picked up on pretty quickly. Despite the friends he made in the caravan, he started to despise the job- he hated how the Tassilos took such a large cut for so little work, and how he had to work such long hours. He plotted with his fellow caravan guards, and while the Tassilos were bartering at a market in Malva, they took off with the caravan and it’s remaining goods.  


Prosh and his compatriots struggled at first, however as they got better at haggling and got a better feel for what sold well where, they started to turn a sizeable profit– that is until they ran into the Tassilos in the city of Malagra. The family was vengeful- Prosh fled the scene as town guards arrested his fellow merchants, and siezed the caravan. His group was executed. Prosh left the city guiltridden and defeated.  


Wanted across Malagra, Prosh fled to Vencerrado, sneaking past the border. He found himself in a wholly unfamiliar land, where he struggled to reinvent himself. He found that Vencerrado had a surplus of resources that had fetched a fortune in the Kaddite regions- and similarly his old commodities were invaluable here. Prosh spent all he had on vencerrado obsidian and took off back to @Malagra, and his career as a smuggler was born.
Faith: Kada (Toron)
Age: 44
Pronouns: He/Him
Birthplace: Malagra


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