Raul Román Carballo

Raul Román Carballo is a Artficer based in Domína. He works in an acura store that creates acura/artifacts plus repairs.  

Personal Life

Raul Román Carballo was born in Vencerrado. Raul has shown signs of immense arcura knowledge since he was a child. Classes would briefly mention runes and Raul would be able to copy and manipulate them easily. He was a bit of a troublemaker with the rune-enhanced objects he would create in class. It would disturb the class because it intrigued the other students and occasionally would cause a bit of chaos. Since it was clear that Raul had an innate talent for runes his parents locked in apprenticeships for him much to his teachers’ relief. Raul studied as an apprentice under an Artificer after he finished the basic needed education. Due to the political climate in Vencerrado artifice weapons are stockpiled which didn’t sit well with Raul. It took him until two years ago after he had become an accomplished artificer to decide that working in artifice weapons wasn’t something he wanted to do. So Raul moved to Domína when he was 39 to focus on general acura even though it was a bit of a step down from his previous position and the fact that he would be leaving his home behind. Once Raul moved to Domína he was able to do more research about runes.  


Raul was an established Artifcer in Vencerrado. He had enough experience to even start taking on apprentices. Due to his personal beliefs, he moved to Domína to work in a different rune-based environment. Despite being in Domína working in an acura store for more than a year Raul does things like basic repairs and enchantments. His reputation was a local one so it didn’t hold up much in Domína. It didn’t help that he is part of the minority in Domína as there are sometimes customers that don’t trust him. Due to this, his boss is hesitant to have Raul do more complex rune work. Raul does research at local libraries in his spare time even if he can’t actually do complex rune work at his job.
Current Residence
He/ him


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