Straw Donkey

Straw donkeys are a common hand made trinket throughout Tel Rialis, especially popular as toys for children to play with. Many different styles of straw animals exist, but the donkey is by far the most common and widespread, being a popular craft in one's free time. The straw donkey pictured here was created by an elderly woman living in Briareos as a toy for her grandchildren.


Though humble in nature, the straw donkey is an ancient craft, with the tradition supposedly being traced back to the nomadic groups who inhabited the peninsula prior to the arrival of Kaddites. The converted nomads spread their technique to the settled Kaddites, and it has persisted to this day. The evidence regarding the exact origins of the donkey are challenging to determine, however, due to the impermanence of the trinkets themselves. Most straw trinkets aren't made with the intention to last, being made seasonally after times of harvest.
Today, straw donkeys are found just about everywhere in Tel Rialis, but they are by far most common in Pastoralis and its surrounding area, possibly due to the Pastoralian's links with the first inhabitants of Tel Rialis.

Process & Usage

Straw donkeys are made from the straw left over from a harvest of grain. Once dry, the straw is braided together and twisted to form the shape of the desired animal, then secured into place via small amounts of string. The size of the donkey is dependent on the amount of straw used, with most being small enough to fit in the palm of one’s hand. Once completed, donkeys are typically either kept on one’s person, or given to children to play with. Some people have taken to the tradition of placing the donkeys in places they’ve visited, with the idea that they’re leaving a piece of themselves there, if only temporarily.
A standard straw donkey, crafted by an elderly woman in Briareos. This design includes small baskets which wildflowers can be placed into, and red and black string to represent the bridle and eyes respectively.
Item type


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