Yurena Sierra

Yurena Sierra is a 10 year old girl from a small town in rural Briareos. She's recently become a local legend for her supposed ability to see ghosts in the misty moutain woods. To the public, she's a calm and wise figure who uses her gift for good. To her friends and family, she's a snarky problem child who merely revels in the theatrics of her newfound popularity.  

Early Life

Yurena comes from a humble background. Her parents are sheep farmers in rural Briareos. She’s the youngest out of five siblings. She often felt like she wasn’t as helpful as her older siblings and would often wander off when she was supposed to be helping out. Her roamings were sparked half by boredom and half by an adventurous spirit. However, she would always be back before nightfall.   One time, however, she wandered off and didn’t return for six days. When she returned, she claimed that she got lost, but then she encountered a friendly ghost who took her on a tour through the mountains before helping to guide her back home. Her claims were initially dismissed as a child’s fantasy or a misunderstanding of some sort. Six months later, she went missing again and, once again, returned six days later telling tales of visiting ghosts in the mountains.  

Rise to Fame

After having two supposed ghost encounters, people within Yurena’s town started asking questions. She was surprised that people didn’t believe her about seeing spirits, and said that she regularly visited specters in the woods. She assumed it was a universal experience, and didn’t understand what everyone was so alarmed about.   While most of the community was still skeptical, some townspeople accepted her story and asked if she would pose questions to the ghosts on their behalf. She accepted, and came back with answers within two to three days for those who requested them. People were stunned by the wisdom of her answers, and figured she must have a genuine spiritual connection since there’s no way someone so young could come up with such profound answers.   Since this incident, her fame within the region has rapidly grown. People have even come from as far as Cridala Cove to make requests for her.  


However, Yurena’s rise to popularity has not been without its dissenters. There are still those within her community who don’t buy her story. Her close friends and family note that her public persona is very different from what they see. The image she presents to her clients is calm, demure, and detached, while in private she’s sharp and snarky. Her eldest brother has been quoted saying, “There’s no way it’s real. She’s got no proof other than hearsay! She’s only ever this calm about the ghost stuff. The rest of the time, she’s a sneaky little brat who’ll lie her way outta chores. She’s just doing the same thing here.” However, her believers have dismissed his comments and attributed them to sibling jealousy. Another common argument is the fact that no one else has seen the supposed ghosts, or has seen Yurena talk to them. She countered this by saying that the ghosts will only meet with her, and that if anyone tries to come with her, the spirits won’t show up.   Besides the lying allegations, she also briefly got into trouble with the Kaddite council. She was accused of heresy, but the priest who accused her failed to provide scripture that directly condemned communication with lost souls, so the matter was dropped.












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