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Buckthorn Sunny Atlantea (a.k.a. Buckthorn)

Buckthorn is a reef siren who lives in the Great Barrier Kingdom in the Turquoise Sea.

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In Book 2 of "Jack Thunder and the Fragments of Anima," she rescues Jack Thunder from drowning when he falls into the sea and tends to his injuries. He repays her by helping her overcome her self-doubt to become the new wielder of the Seastone, the Fragment of Water.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Buckthorn is physically weak but wiry. Being a reef siren, she is quite agile in the water, and even on land she possesses incredible speed and dexterity.

Special abilities

Being a siren, Buckthorn has an incredible singing voice. Since music is a weakness of the wendigoes', this makes her better able to drive the wendigoes back when they come for her or her family.

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When she becomes the new wielder of the Seastone, she gains the ability to control the tides with it. In battle, she specializes in hand-to-hand combat, using the Seastone to bolster the effects of her attacks.

Apparel & Accessories

Buckthorn wears a skirt made of seaweed.

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When she becomes the new Water Champion, she wears the Seastone around her neck.

Specialized Equipment

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Buckthorn wields the Seastone, the Fragment of Water, which takes the form of a pendant consisting of a starfish skeleton with a piece of sea glass in the center that has been charged with Water energy. She wears it as a necklace.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Buckthorn lives a rather small and simple life in the Great Barrier Kingdom.

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When she spots Jack Thunder drowning in the Turquoise Sea, she rescues him, magically giving him gills to breathe underwater. He then takes her to the Great Barrier Kingdom to rest, but the kingdom is attacked by the nefarious pirate Captain Blackheart. After Blackheart is freed from the wendigoes' influence, she uses the Seastone to banish the wendigoes possessing all the islanders in the Turquoise Archipelago.


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After the third book, Buckthorn develops a crush on Shadow-Paws, the nekomata engineer at the Dark Carnival who becomes the new Dark Fragment wielder.


Being that her mother is a doctor in the Great Barrier Kingdom, Buckthorn has inherited some knowledge of medicine from her.

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When she rescues Jack Thunder, she tends to his injuries.

Accomplishments & Achievements

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At the end of "Book 2: Water," Buckthorn overcomes her insecurities and uses the Seastone and her voice to purge the islanders of the wendigoes they are infested with. Shortly after, she becomes a valuable asset to Jack Thunder's crew as the Water Champion.

Failures & Embarrassments

Buckthorn is not that physically strong, so in the past, when she tried to fight, she would usually just get smacked aside. This led to quite a few embarassing incidents, and eventually she decided to focus her attention on following in her mother's footsteps.

Mental Trauma

Buckthorn doesn't know who or where her father is. It is likely he died in the War of the Wendigoes. Her mother doesn't really talk to her about him.

Intellectual Characteristics

Buckthorn is quite smart, especially when it comes to healing and medicine. She is well-versed in many Water-based healing spells from her culture.

Morality & Philosophy

Buckthorn is far more reluctant to fight than Jack Thunder is, instead wanting to focus her attention on healing. This is mainly because she doubts her own prowess in battle.

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When she uses the Seastone to remove the curse on the Turquoise Archipelago, she still wants to avoid fighting when she can, but she becomes much less hesitant about fighting when she needs to.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Buckthorn is skilled in healing magic and wants to become a doctor like her mother someday.

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When push comes to shove, she shows herself to be quite skilled in martial arts as well.

While Buckthorn is agile, she is not very strong. If she is not fast enough, she can easily get curb-stomped by a much stronger opponent. This is part of the reason why she generally avoids combat.

Virtues & Personality perks

Buckthorn is a serious minded yet kindhearted siren.

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She goes out of her way to help Jack Thunder when she sees him drowning and injured in the water, even though she knows nothing about him, including that the staff he is wielding is, in fact, Stormbringer.

Vices & Personality flaws

Buckthorn is not at all confident in her magical abilities when she first meets Jack Thunder. Also, being fourteen years old means that she does not have the best judgement at times.


Family Ties

Buckthorn lives with her mother in the Great Barrier Kingdom.

Social Aptitude

Like Jack Thunder, she is quite socially awkward, though not as overtly rude as he is. Rather, she is rather quiet, choosing to focus on her task instead of small talk.

Hobbies & Pets

Buckthorn likes to sing to herself when she's working, but she doesn't think her voice is that good. Jack Thunder would say otherwise.


Buckthorn's voice is rather quiet and has a light, airy quality to it. She has a beautiful singing voice, even though she doesn't think so.

Date of Birth
June 4, 2240 G. E.
Circumstances of Birth
Buckthorn was born during the coincidence of the Sparrow Sun and the Crone Moon.
Lychee pink
Lemon yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Minty aquamarine scales
101 lb
Character Prototype

Buckthorn carries a slight resemblance to Lisa Simpson and Sally Acorn.

Buckthorn in Hero Forge


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