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Saltwater Siren

Saltwater Sirens are the creatures that are the closest to mermaids in Earth legends. Despite the comparison, these creatures are not the mermaids you have read about in your fairy stories; these Water faeries are perhaps some of the most vicious and effective predators that roam the oceans. There are four races of saltwater sirens; reef sirens, pelagic sirens, arctic sirens, and benthic sirens. Each is uniquely adapted to the environment in which they live.

Basic Information


Saltwater sirens tend to have an appearance similar to that of a seahorse. They have long, fishlike tails and somewhat draconic or equine faces and upper torsos. They are suprisingly not closely related to sea serpent dragons, however.
Reef sirens are unique in that they are the only sirens to have legs. As such, they are capable of living their lives on land or at sea, though they cannot stand dryness for very long.

Biological Traits

The environment a siren lives in determines what biological traits it possesses.
Reef sirens are the smallest of the saltwater sirens. Much like reef fish, they possess bright colors and flashy patterns on their skin. They are the only saltwater sirens to possess legs, which allows them to live partially on land.
Pelagic sirens possess many traits of dolphins. They are the largest saltwater sirens, with sleek forms with skin that is blue or black on top and white on the bottom. They have massive appetites due to their hyperactive metabolisms, which aid in swift movement across the open ocean.
Arctic sirens are most reminiscient of beluga whales. Their blubber maintains their body temperature in the frigid polar environments in which they dwell, and their white skin serves as camouflage.
Benthic sirens are rarely ever seen by other Altairians. Living in the deepest part of the ocean, they are completely blind, instead relying on touch and smell to navigate. They have dark grey forms with long, viperfish-like teeth that reflect red when light is shown on them. The gemstone-like appendage in the middle of their foreheads glows faintly red, attracting their prey. Benthic sirens have the least amount of contact with other Altairians, especially since they cannot leave their abyssal homes lest they risk bursting or at least being severely injured from decompression.

Genetics and Reproduction

Saltwater sirens lay eggs, which they lay in clutches. Since sirens have gills, they are able to lay their eggs underwater without risk of their young drowning.

Growth Rate & Stages

Sirens hatch from eggs as minnows (the name for juvenile sirens). It takes them about 10 years to reach sexual maturity.

Ecology and Habitats

Saltwater sirens inhabit the seas of Altairus. Different subtypes of sirens are adapted for different environments; reef sirens live in coral reefs close to the coast, pelagic sirens live in the open ocean, arctic sirens thrive in the polar oceans, and benthic sirens live in deep-sea trenches.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Saltwater sirens are obligate carnivores. They mainly subsist on fish, though they have been known to treat themselves to sailors who are foolish enough to give in to their magical songs.


Saltwater sirens are known for two things; their enchanting songs and their viciousness as predators. They use the former to lure prey in, and then they strike. They are very loyal to their families and have established many working underwater settlements across the Altairian oceans.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Saltwater sirens are spread all across the oceans of Altairus.

Average Intelligence

Saltwater sirens are sapient faeries. They have established kingdoms and provinces all across the Altairian seas.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Saltwater sirens have different sensory capabilities depending on their habitat. Reef sirens, living close to the coast, have superior eyesight. Pelagic and arctic sirens navigate via echolocation. Benthic sirens are completely blind and rely on sensing vibrations in the water to navigate.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

It is not uncommon for saltwater sirens to make clothing out of materials from their environment, whether that be shells, seaweed, or even pieces of garbage.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

A city of reef sirens, dubbed "Atlantis" by visiting explorers, exists just off the coast of the Turquoise Archipelago. It is a veritable metropolis and a major point of trade between Water faeries.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Reef sirens have the most contact with non-Water Altairians. They are well-respected for their incredible singing voices, especially for the fact that their voices make a powerful weapon against wendigoes. The other races do not have as much contact with the outside world, but among Water elementals, their voices are similarly admired.
A Reference of the Four Races of Saltwater Sirens
Scientific Name
Faeus Aqueous


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