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Captain Blackheart

As seen in

Sandra Helios Blackheart (a.k.a. Captain Blackheart)

Captain Blackheart is a reef siren pirate hailing from the Great Barrier Kingdom. Having once vowed to protect the Great Barrier Kingdom, she turns against it when the wendigo invasion happens. It is up to Jack Thunder and crew to free her from the wendigoes' influence.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Blackheart is tall for a reef siren, standing at 5'2''. She has a lean build and long legs for her frame. She bears many scars from her time as the leader of the street siren task force.

Body Features

Her left shoulder bears two scars from a wendigo attack. They form shallow canyons in her scales.

Identifying Characteristics

Captain Blackheart is easily recognized by her petroleum-black fins and muted red scales, unusual colors for reef sirens, who typically have brightly colored scales and fins.

Special abilities

While Blackheart is not very magically inclined, she is very competent in swordfighting and hand-to-hand combat.

Apparel & Accessories

Blackheart always wears a sea pirate hat bearing her insignia; a cracked black heart on top of a red circle. She also likes to wear necklaces of gold, diamonds, and pearls around her neck on special occasions.

Specialized Equipment

Captain Blackheart carries around a bazooka cannon that launches fireballs.

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When she was in league with the wendigoes, the fireballs contained traces of Null magic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Captain Blackheart was born in the Great Barrier Kingdom. When the War of the Wendigoes began, she formed an informal task force to protect the kingdom. This is what later became her pirate crew.

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During the events of "Jack Thunder and the Fragments of Anima," however, she becomes possessed by powerful wendigoes and commands her crew to begin invading the Great Barrier Kingdom. With Buckthorn's help, Jack Thunder defeats her and purges the wendigo inside of her. In her gratitude, she gives him the Seastone, which she had been hiding on her ship for safekeeping.


Captain Blackheart grew up impoverished, so she didn't have the best education growing up. In fact, most of her education was from the streets of the Great Barrier Kingdom.

Accomplishments & Achievements

After the War of the Wendigoes, Captain Blackheart was recognized for her service and given an honorary title as the kingdom's principal guardian.

Failures & Embarrassments

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After she is freed from the wendigoes' influence in "Jack Thunder and the Fragments of Anima," she is ashamed of how she let them manipulate her into betraying her oath. Out of contrition, she vows to assist Jack Thunder in his quest to stop the Heart of Darkness.

Mental Trauma

Captain Blackheart grew up on the streets. During the War, she and a few other street urchins formed a task force for protecting the kingdom in exchange for basic necessitites. Many of these children later became part of Blackheart's crew.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Blackheart's loyalty and sense of honor are her strongest traits.

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After Jack Thunder frees her from the wendigoes, she tries to atone by devoting herself fully to aiding Jack Thunder and his crew on their quest.

Vices & Personality flaws

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During the second wendigo invasion of Altairus, Captain Blackheart fell into despair. It was this despair and desperation that allowed the wendigoes to feed on her and convince her to start attacking t


Blackheart, being a pirate who grew up on the streets, is not exactly the most hygienic being. She always reeks of dead fish.

Representation & Legacy

She and her crew wear clothing bearing the image of a cracked black heart on a red background.



Blackheart's voice is rough and worn down from years living on the streets and sailing the oceans. She has a very slight British accent.

Date of Birth
March 13, 2227 G. E.
Deep rusty brown
Petroleum black fins
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Muted red scales
113 lb
Character Prototype

Obviously, her name is a play on "Captain Blackbeard." "Captain Blackheart" was originally the name of a Care Bears OC villain I wanted to create. The character was supposed to be a literal space pirate who was out to plunder all the feelings from the world. I quickly realized that this OC was very likely going to end up in Altairus anyway, so I reimagined the character to fit into this world.


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