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Pool of Solstice Wishes

The Pool of Solstice Wishes plays an important role in the celebration of the Winter Solstice in Altairus. It is located far in the north of Pandora, not far from Yule City.


The Pool of Solstice Wishes is a clear spring resting in the middle of a snowy mountain forest. Near this spring is a boulder containing a gemstone that drips with powerful magic.

Localized Phenomena

The magical gemstone in the center of the boulder overlooking the pool has the power to grant wishes. Once a year on the Winter Solstice, it has the power to grant any and all wishes that it receives. This is when the yule goats (Altairian equivalents of Santa Claus and his elves) take to their task of gathering wishes from beings all over Altairus and deciding which to dip into the Pool to grant and which to throw away. This is an important task, as the gemstone will grant the wishes regardless of whether the recipient is ready to deal with the consequences or not, and it is up to the yule goats to filter out which ones are more destructive than not.


Being that it is located in the far north, the surrounding climate is cold all year round. Surprisingly, however, the weather tends to be fairly clear around the pool, with ample exposure to the sun and to the moon at night.

Fauna & Flora

Yule pines surround the pool. Small woodland creatures occasionally gather around the pool to celebrate the Winter Solstice as it draws near.

Natural Resources

The gemstone that grants the pool the power to grant wishes is its most valuable natural resources. Many a villainous soul or a cruel, callous heart has tried to get their hands on the gemstone for its powers, and it has been up to the yule goats and other heroes to save the day.


Since it is so far north, not many come to see the Pool of Solstice Wishes itself. However, a few hardy faeries have taken it upon themselves to travel up there to celebrate the Winter Solstice every now and again.
Northeast Pandora
Mountain Spring
Associated Element
Related Traditions


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