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Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice in Altairus is the same as it is on Earth. The holiday heralds the shortest day of the year, typically December 20-21 in the northern hemisphere and June 20-21 in the southern hemisphere. At this time of the year, Unseelie (Earth, Water, and Dark) magic is at its peak strength.


The traditions associated with the Winter Solstice date very far back, too far back to discern when exactly they were formed. During the Golden Era, human visitors would often visit Altairus around the Winter Solstice and make their way to Yule City to get their wishes granted. It was from these visits that much of the lore surrounding Christmas, including the present-giving tradition and the association of goats with the holidays, was formed. In the post-separation era, Earth dwellers have forgotten the origin of these traditions, but they are still observed to this day.


Twice a year (once for each hemisphere), the Elder Goat flies around the world, moving from settlement to settlement. He goes around asking the residents about the wishes they would like to see granted for the coming year. Those wishes are stored in orbs and taken back to Yule City. There, the Yule goats sort through the wishes and determine which ones can be granted and which ones are best not granted. The Elder Goat takes the approved wishes to the Pool of Solstice Wishes, where they are dropped into the pool. Once they are submerged, they are on their way to being granted. This tradition is beloved by all across Altairus, as it is a chance to see the changes they wish to see in the world come to fruition.

Components and tools

The Elder Goat physically carries the wishes he collects in glassy, glowing orbs. These orbs are sifted through to find ones that can be granted, and the ones that are approved are dropped into the Pool of Solstice Wishes where they are granted.


Two characters in particular play key roles in the Winter Solstice; the Winter Orchestrator and the Elder Goat. The Winter Orchestrator is an elder Yule goat and Altairus's representation of winter. Using a menagerie of weather control machines housed in his castle, the Winter Orchestrator creates the snow, ice, and frost associated with the season. This is an important task for maintaining the balance of Altairus's magic.

The Elder Goat is the Winter Orchestrator's half-brother and the Altarian equivalent of Santa Claus. Every year starting around Summer's End and ending just before the Winter Solstice, he flies around Altairus, visiting settlements and gathering wishes made by the denizens of Altairus. He carries those wishes back to Yule City, where he and his Yule goats sift through them and take the ones approved for granting to the Pool of Solstice Wishes to be granted. He gives the Altairians that didn't get their wishes granted various goodies instead.


The Winter Solstice takes place on December 20-21 in the northern hemisphere and on June 20-21 in the southern hemisphere. The Elder Goat gathers the wishes of the two hemispheres at two different times of the year, so he and the Yule goats are on a half-year schedule.

Most Altairians also position the Winter Solstice as the start of the new year, although this is rather arbitrary; there are many other Altairian societies that recognize Summer's End, the Vernal Equinox, or even the Dawn of Spring as the new year.

Primary Related Location
Important Locations
See Also
The Winter Solstice Spirit


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Aug 20, 2024 20:31 by Deleyna Marr

This is an interesting concept. I could see it would be powerful if many people wished for the same thing.
