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Razorfrost Range

The Razorfrost Range is a treacherous mountain range located in the far north of Pandora. Within its crevices lies the Diamond Citadel, as well as many other treasures for those who dare to traverse its peaks.


"Frigid" and "dangerous" are the best words to describe the Razorfrost Range. Located in the far north, it gets its name from the razor-blade like appearance of the mountains from a distance. Even in the summer, permafrost under the soil prevents all except the plants hardiest to the cold from growing.


The organisms of this environment are all very resistant to the cold and to constant scarcity, both of which are constant conditions in this mountain range.


"Icy" and "inhospitable" are the two best words to describe the Razorfrost Range. Travelers are justly warned about traversing these mountains, especially in winter when monstrous blizzards blanket the mountain range in white and make it impossible to see. Many a traveler has perished helplessly in the cold. Even in the summer, when the weather is mild, permanent frost lying under the soil makes it difficult for plant life to grow.

Fauna & Flora

Due to its high elevation, the Razorfrost Range does not house many trees. Instead, hardy bushes and grasses sparsely populate the cliffs of the mountains. Unsurprisingly, the fauna of this land tend to almost all be birds that either are scavengers or subsist off of the berries of the few plants that live there.

Natural Resources

Deep in the bowels of the mountains lie treasure troves of various gemstones. Rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and various colors of quartz are just a few examples. If you go even deeper, you will find the Diamond Citadel, a massive palace-turned-dojo made completely out of diamond crystals.
North Pandora
Mountain Range
Associated Element
Important Landmarks
The Diamond Citadel
Alternate Name(s)
Razorfrost Mountain Range


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