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As seen in

San is the original Air Champion of Altairus. He is the one who created Stormbringer and used it to defeat the Heart of Darkness in the War of the Wendigoes. As the threat of the Heart's return looms, he goes in search of the staff. It is then that he learns about Jack Thunder's discovery of it and vows to serve as a mentor and protector for him on his journey.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Both due to his senior age and having lived in the Razorfrost Range for so long, San is not in the fittest condition when he comes across Jack Thunder. He is underweight due to his sparse diet, and his feathers are faded and falling out. His physical condition gets a bit better over the course of the journey, but he remains quite lean.

Identifying Characteristics

San has a scar on his cheek and clefts in his right ear from a battle with a wendigo.

Physical quirks

Sometimes when San gets particularly worked up, his wings will reflexively flare out and extend. This along with his sudden shrieking is startling, especially considering how controlled he usually is.

Apparel & Accessories

San's clothing is rather simple. He wears a tan jacket with a brass zipper, along with faded blue shorts and brass bracers. The only opulent thing about his outfit is his silver medallion, which bears the symbol of the Air element.

Specialized Equipment

During his Air Champion years, San created and bore the Air staff Stormbringer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before the War of the Wendigoes, San was a lowly, nameless tengu living in a commune on the cliffs of Mt. Eris. During the War, San took it upon himself to forge Stormbringer, a powerful staff from blackmetal, Air crystals, and the lightning atop Mt. Tempest. It was with this staff that he assisted in battling and defeating the Heart of Darkness. Even after the war, he has adopted no title save for the number representing the order his egg hatched in his clutch.


Being an untouchable within his commune, San didn't have much formal education, but he was smart enough to figure out how to forge Stormbringer just from reading some manuals from the temple.

Accomplishments & Achievements

San is responsible for the creation of Stormbringer,

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the staff that Jack Thunder currently wields.

Mental Trauma

San was born in the bottom of the tengu commune's pecking order. For the longest time, he didn't even have a name, and was regularly picked on by other tengus.

During the War, he faced many arduous trials, trials that gradually began to wear him down. The scar on his cheek was acquired during a skirmish with a particularly vicious wendigo that possessed a faery in a village near Mt. Eris.

When the War was over, he was hailed as a hero, which disgusted him greatly. Remembering his lowly youth, he found it repulsive how these people only cared about him now that they couldn't deny his utility. For this reason, he fled into the Razorfrost Range, making a nest on one of the craggy rocks. He lived in the Razorfrost Range for eleven Altairian years before discovering that the Heart of Darkness was threatening Altairus again.

Intellectual Characteristics

San is very smart and resourceful, forging Stormbringer only after reading a manual on weapons creation from the temple.

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When he discovers that Jack Thunder has possession of Stormbringer, he teaches him how to use the staff's powers, as well as many other lessons over the course of "Jack Thunder and the Fragments of Anima."

Morality & Philosophy

San is so committed to ensuring Altairus's safety that when he sees signs of the Heart of Darkness's return, he immediately searches for Stormbringer, hoping to gather the team and defeat it once more. This is despite him being malnourished and disgusted with other Altairians.

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It is only when he collapses from exhaustion when he tries to convince Frosti to give him the staff that he realizes he is in no condition to get back into the action.

Personality Characteristics


When he realizes that the wendigoes are threatening Altairus again, he leaves his nest to find Stormbringer again so that he can face up to it.

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When he learns that Jack Thunder has hold of it, he quickly realizes that he is in no condition to battle the Heart of Darkness again, and so he decides to serve as the storm gremlin's mentor.

Likes & Dislikes

San absolutely despises it when people treat him as some kind of idol just because he helped save Altairus. He sees it as immensely hypocritical, considering that no one could be bothered to stand up for him when he was an untouchable with no name.

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This is part of why he likes Jack Thunder so much; Jack Thunder gives respect based on people's actions rather than their titles, and he sees the tengu more as family than as an idol.

Virtues & Personality perks

Since San has had to defeat the Heart of Darkness once before, he is in an excellent position to mentor Jack Thunder.

Vices & Personality flaws

Due to his troubled past, San is quite pessimistic and gloomy.

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While he does his best to help Jack Thunder with his quest, he secretly doubts that the storm gremlin will be able to handle the pressure of being the second Air Champion. He eventually comes around when Jack Thunder proves his competence.


Due to his isolated lifestyle and depression, San's hygiene is not the best. His feathers are falling out due to lack of preening.

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At the end of "Jack Thunder and the Fragments of Anima: Book 1 - Air," he gets treated at the ley spa where a previously wendigo-infected Terry Paradise is being treated. This gets him on the road to healing.


Social Aptitude

When he first meets Jack Thunder, San is very stoic, entirely focused on his mission.

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When he starts living with Jack Thunder and Frosti, he quickly forms a bond with Jack Thunder. Over the course of "The Fragments of Anima," his demeanor gradually changes to be less stoic and more cheerful.

Hobbies & Pets

San is in charge of taking care of Razer alongside Jack Thunder.


San's voice is very gravelly and somewhat screechy, reminiscent of a crow or raven's call. Appropriate, given that he is a half-bird creature. His tone is usually not very expressive, only changing somewhat from his emotions. This makes it all the more jarring when he suddenly yells.

If you can imagine what Professor Coldheart from the classic Care Bears series would sound like if he were clinically depressed, you have a good idea of what San's voice sounds like.

Lemon yellow, teardrop-shaped
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Faded red skin, faded brown feathers
6'5'' (196cm)
155 lbs (83kg)
San in Hero Forge


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