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Tengus are half-human, half-raven creatures that, much like storm gremlins, inhabit floating islands throughout Altairus.

Basic Information


Tengus are a kind of pseudogriffon; a creature that is part bird, part other animal, but is more closely related to faeries than griffons. Their upper half resembles a corvid griffon, with large ears, feathers, and wings, but they possess humanlike faces with beaklike noses. Their arms and bottom half are that of a human being, albeit with sharp talons.

Biological Traits

Male tengus tend to be taller than the females. They have red skin and brownish feathers. The females have a more prominent keel than the males, and they have blue skin and grey feathers.
Being birdlike creatures, tengus tend to squawk, chirp, coo, and screech like Earth birds. They pepper their speech with these noises, vocalizing more frequently when they are excited.

Genetics and Reproduction

Although they resemble human beings, tengus are egg-layers. They will typically lay 4-6 eggs in a clutch at a time.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tengus reach maturity much faster than humans. By one year, they start flying, and by four years, they are ready to set out on their own.

Ecology and Habitats

Tengus are one of many sapient species to inhabit the various floating islands throughout Altairus.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tengus are mainly vegetarian, subsisting off of berries, nuts, and other plants that they come across; however, they can be driven to eat meat if they are desperate. They also enjoy fish and will dive into rivers and streams to catch fish to eat.

Biological Cycle

Being that tengus are Seelie faeries, their powers are the strongest in the summer and the weakest in the winter. They will mate and lay their eggs in the springtime.


Tengus are known for two things; their vicious fighting style and their love of shiny things. If a tengu is threatened or someone gets in between a tengu and their hatchlings, the tengu will attack without mercy, using their claws to rend the offender limb from limb. Their sensitive eyes are stimulated by shiny things, and they will often decorate their nests with objects that they find interesting.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tengus are usually solitary. In the event that they do form cohesive societies, those societies have a strict pecking order.

Facial characteristics

Tengus have startlingly humanlike faces with long, beaklike noses. The female's nose is smaller and shaped differently than the male's.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Tengus mainly reside on the floating islands of Altairus, though there are some that live on Altairian continents on top of tall mountains.

Average Intelligence

Tengus have about the same intelligence as a human adult.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tengus have excellent eyesight and hearing.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tengus at the bottom of the pecking order may not receive names at all. The tengu San was originally one of these nameless tengus, and even when he became a hero his name holds no significance except for the number in the order his clutch hatched.

Average Technological Level

Being that tengus are usually quite solitary, they have not achieved a substantial level of technology. Most live in isolated nests that are decorated in precious stones and other shiny objects.

Historical Figures

The tengu San, once a despised tengu at the bottom of the pecking order with no name, was one of the six champions who banished the Heart of Darkness in the War of the Wendigoes. His name is well-known amongst tengus in particular, who elevated him for his heroism.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Not surprisingly, tengus tend to be viewed as selfish thieves by many Altairians, perhaps rather unfairly, due to their tendency to hoard shiny objects. The exception to this is San, who is recognized as an international hero for his role in defeating the Heart of Darkness.
Associated Element
Scientific Name
Pseudogriffonia Corvus
Average Height
5'-7' (152-213cm)
Average Weight
110-220lbs (50-100kg)
Average Physique
Tengus have a very lean build, which is crucial for their ability to fly.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tengus have dark feathers and colorful skin. Male tengus have brown feathers and red skin, while female tengus have grey feathers and blue skin.


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