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The Fluffer Butters in the Land Without Cheers

"The Fluffer Butters in the Land Without Cheers" is an insipid Winter Solstice holiday special created by an unknown being. Despite how bad it is, it is one of the most widely-known pieces of Winter Solstice media throughout Altairus and is one reason why the Winter Orchestrator is viewed so negatively by many.


The special's plot is a gross misrepresentation of something that really happened; sometime circa 1960 GE, there existed a cult of Light faeries in Rainbow Country that aimed to invade Yule City. The Winter Orchestrator foresaw the invasion and fought alongside the Elder Goat and the Yule goats who lived in Yule City to fend them off. This special could be seen as an attempted smear against the Winter Orchestrator for daring to stand up to the cult.

In addition, this film portrays the white Yule goats as the Winter Orchestrator's transformed, unwilling servants. This is not true; both white and black Yule goats are their own faery race, and they all do their jobs willingly. This is not to say that there isn't a difference between where they live; black Yule goats disproportionately live in Yule City, and white Yule goats tend to dwell near the Winter Orchestrator's castle. However, asserting that all white Yule goats are under the Winter Orchestrator's control is a gross and biased error.

Document Structure

Publication Status

As of the time of writing, The Fluffer Butters in the Land Without Cheers is in the public domain. Copies of the special are frequently found in bargain bins across Altairus.

Historical Details


"The Fluffer Butters in the Land Without Cheers" was first released in 1986 GE. Upon its release, older Altairians recognized it for the drivel it was, but many young Altairians who didn't know any better loved it. Thus, despite all odds, the special became one of the most well-known and mocked pieces of Winter Solstice media in all of Altairus.

The work has since drifted into the public domain. Despite how bad it is, it is a common video found throughout Altairus, present in stores all across the planet. It is frequently bought for how cheap it is and how it is actually pretty good at keeping little ones quiet.

Public Reaction

Various reviews showcase just how bad the special is:

  • "'The Land Without Cheers?' The Land Without Brains, more like!" - A bemused and disgusted viewer
  • "I feel like someone just forced me to eat an entire can of condensed milk with a spoon." - Another viewer, just before throwing up
  • "Baby Butter is my favorite character." - A rare positive review

Even when it is not cursed, copies of "The Fluffer Butters in the Land Without Cheers" have been known to induce terrible nausea and profuse vomiting in their adult viewers. In fact, an Altairian is considered tough if they are able to get through the special as an adult without throwing up once. Even then, though, the viewing experience has been described as "being forced to down an entire bottle of corn syrup in one sitting" by various viewers from Earth and Altairus alike.


While the special is almost universally seen as garbage save for very young beings who don't know any better, many faeries recount it from their childhood and hold an implicit distrust for the Winter Orchestrator as a result. When they get to meet him, they quickly realize that the special was wrong about him.

There exists a single copy of the special which, if watched, turns the viewer into a Fluffer Butter themselves. This copy caused mass chaos for the continent of Pandora until the Winter Orchestrator himself got ahold of it and locked it deep within his castle, never again to see the light of day.

Entertainment, Movie
Digital Recording, Various
Authoring Date
1986 G.E.


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