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Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb

Welshdimos's Spiritualist Kell Ogg

Orignal charter prompt, "Kell F. Ogg: Humble Beginnings
Kell was an Autumn Lunar hatching.
Of all his fellow brood mates only 35 of the 80 survived.
This was an unusual thing for the late season hatch.
Normally not as many survive the rigors of the changing water temperatures, and the spawning pool raids of predators.
This bountiful reaping of offspring was heralded as a sign of prosperity.
Kell being first of the hatch was looked at as a profit for his generation, but first to hatch was not the only prophecy thrust upon him. Kell may have been first to hatch but he was also last to “emerge”.
The emergence is viewed as a maturity or coming of age ceremony in which all the tadpoles sprout their limbs and embark on land for the first time.
Under normal circumstances the ceremony last a standard week in which the entire brood undergoes its “emergence”, however during this Autumn’s ceremony one would be born first and emerge last.
Kell was this tadpole. It was the first time seen among his people that a tadpole did not emerge until 8 days after the last of his brood mates.
This was just the beginning of the responsibility placed upon the young grung.
His colorful pattern, which developed over the extra days spent in the pool, had taken on shapes recognized by the tribal shaman.
There seemed to be figure of balance placed upon him, although broken between his head and his heart.
He was set on the path of the great shamans before him and taken most days to train in the natural arts of the world.
Kell quickly bonded with fungal and other creatures of decay in his druidic studies.
The mere fact that through death life will persist moved him on a level he himself would not understand.
He slowly became a prominent member of his tribe, a speaker for reason and the wisdom of nature.
As he grew he did develop the skills and magic of the natural world but the allure of the hunt and the games played by the others caught his attention.
He could often be caught off shirking his druidic teachings and playing with his best friends Bud, Wise, and ERR. These 3 had quickly become the cleverest and most skilled hunters of their time.
Playing with them Kell learned to hone his instincts, work in a group to accomplish a goal, and how to survive. Kell’s life was full of hopeful influence.
His own sister Polly (a spring hatchling) was set to replace his mother as laying mistress for the pond, and in watching her accept her role and show extreme responsibility to the tribe, Kell learned what it means to be apart of something more than one’s self.
He watched his friend Croak lazily waste the day away and learned to not be complacent. Hopidiah his own father showed resilience in loss and strength in purpose after the death of his mother. All these things Kell took into himself and gained wisdom for the life he would show and lead his people with.
As destiny would have it though, Kell would never lead his people.
One night fraught with fate would see his village in shambles, and the ones he loved dead or taken. On that fateful night Kell strived to protect his kin.
He watched as Croak died, slain by a weapon unknown to them.
He saw how the greatest hunters Bud, Wise, ERR fought valiantly, but was forced into retreat. Kell himself defended against a foe unknown to them.
In the wake of the devastation he stood, solely victorious.
His tribe and family had fled the fight, able to maintain minimal survivors.
Kell found the remaining of his tribe hidden and secluded in the most sacred place beneath the surface of his birth.
In that dark dank hole he revealed the weapons used against his kind.
The remaining of his tribe convened and made a grave decision.
Kell the last of their spiritual leaders and tribal guidance was to be sent forth on a “quest”.
He was to venture far into the world and those beyond to find the source of these weapons and the connection now manifested as the demise of his people.
The weapon itself seems to hold a mind of its own or at least the desires of those who created it.
Kell only hopes to one day understand this weapon and the growing world around him.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Has the balance symbol of his people, broken between his heart and head.

Apparel & Accessories

Specialized Equipment

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Has knoleage of things in the reagians around Colt .

Gender Identity



Is very curiouse about other animales/ humniodes has been since he ganied the ability the shape into other animoles.


A well practiced and experanced spirchlest.

Personality Characteristics


After the death and trama enflicked apon his tribe, Kell has left on jurney to learn as much as posible about the strange weapon that killed his kin and anthingb he discuvers on his journy about the world beyond his tribe.



Sister and Receiver of Welsh's Gift

Towards Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb


Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb

Brother and Giver of Welsh's Gift

Towards Polly



Mentor and Best Friend

Towards Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb


Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb

Best Friend

Towards Err



Mentor and Best Friend

Towards Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb


Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb

Best Friend

Towards Wise



Mentor and Best Friend

Towards Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb


Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb

Best Friend

Towards Bud


Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb

Giver of Welsh's Gift

Towards Yellow Brood Mother


Yellow Brood Mother

Receiver of Welsh's Gift

Towards Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb


Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb

Giver of Welsh's Gift

Towards Gray/blue Brood Mother


Gray/blue Brood Mother

Receiver of Welsh's Gift

Towards Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb


Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb

Giver of Welsh's Gift

Towards Green Brood Mother


Green Brood Mother

Receiver of Welsh's Gift

Towards Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb


Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb

Giver of Welsh's Gift

Towards Brown Brood Mother


Brown Brood Mother

Receiver of Welsh's Gift

Towards Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb


Divine Classification
Welshdimos's Spiritualist
1 Year Old Adult
Date of Birth
15th, Haustma'nud'ur 3790 ABB
Circumstances of Birth
Autumn Lunar hatching
Polly (Sister and Receiver of Welsh's Gift)
Current Residence
he/ him
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
red with black spots
proximity 2ft
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Frog sounds." starts to rummeg through the NPC's belongings.
Aligned Organization

Articles under Kell Ogg of Welshdimos's Womb


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