calendar Prose in Alterra | World Anvil
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Alterra is an Earth sized terrestrial world in, the fourth world around the sun. The planet has two moons Aslon and Hillopa. The planet revolves every 24 hours but takes 540 days to revolve around the sun. The settlers divided the year into 20 months of 27 days each, and a nine day week. This was alien to all of them but was the best way to set up a calendar on this world in it's rhythms. Galactic time existed but was abandoned officially shortly after the crash. Time on Alterra is marked by two main eras; EA and A, EA or Era of the Ancients and A for Arrival.  
There are Nine days in the week.
  • Inception
  • 1st watch
  • 2nd watch
  • 3rd watch
  • Cessation
  • 4th watch
  • 5th watch
  • 6th watch
  • Term
Inception, Cessation, and Term are usually bank and business holidays. So a date would be Inception 1 or 6th watch 24. Because the number of days in a year and number of days in a month and week are the same the calendar is very regular.  
Inception 01 1st watch 02 2nd Watch 03 3rd Watch 04 Cessation 05 4th Watch 06 5th watch 07 6th watch 08 Term 09
Inception 10 1st watch 11 2nd Watch 12 3rd Watch 13 Cessation 14 4th Watch 15 5th watch 16 6th watch 17 Term 18
Inception 19 1st watch 20 2nd Watch 21 3rd Watch 22 Cessation 23 4th Watch 24 5th watch 25 6th watch 26 Term 27
There are 20 months. The first month and day of the year marks the day the Ark Ship crashed, and progresses from there. Dates are often written Month: Day number: Year. (Ex. Ark Crash:14:200A) every month has 27 days.    
  • Ark Crash
  • Fog Days
  • Dry Days
  • Drought Days
  • Chaos Days
  • Reaping Fruit
  • Reaping Corn
  • Reaping Wheat
  • Reaping Potatoes
  • Darkening
  • Half Year
  • Half Light
  • Brightening
  • Planting Potatoes
  • Planting Wheat
  • Long Days
  • Hot Days
  • Planting Corn
  • Rain Days
  • One Revolution
Lunar Calendar
The lunar calendar is not in sync with the daily calendar. Both moons have different cycles. The outer moon Aslan has a 36 day cycle. Hillope is closer in and has a 23 day cycle. This means Aslan will have 15 lunar months, and Hillopa will have 23 and a half lunar months. The day the ship crashed, Ark Crash:01:0A the moon Aslan was a waning crescent, Hillopa was a new moon. That configuration meets at synchronized times.
  Day 540 marks year 1A of the Alterra calendar. The first pivotal years are in year 0A, all the events prior to planet fall take place the previous day on 1EA which then counts backward, so the migration began in 157EA. On Arc Crash:01:5989A it has been 3,234,600 days since the crash, or 8855 years 10 months since then.

The full calendar for the year 5989A with lunar phases of Aslan (left) and Hillopa (right).  


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