Dragonborn Culture Ethnicity in Alterra | World Anvil
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Dragonborn Culture

Dragonborn cities and areas dominated by this race tend to be 90% of the population. There are various permanent residents from other races. These tend to be small pockets of families that are specialists, servants, and advisors. You may find a dwarven mine supervisor, an Arolend human scribe or numeriamancer, a gnomish tinkerer, or an elvan trader who has made his family fortune earning trust of dragon born clans and Arolend aristocrats. These residents may have been living in these enclaves for generations and speak Draconic as a first language. They understand clan politics and know that they are not part of it, which gives many of them the freedom to live their lives in anyway they see fit so long as they stay out of plots and schemes. There are fools that will get dragged in, and if things go south for either side, they will find it easier to blame the "meddling outsider" and banish them.   Most of these residents attend dragon born education, participate in festivals, and if their cities are threatened they will rise to the defense.
Parent ethnicities
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